Chapter 14

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Since that seizure, or whatever he should call it, Zack felt excited. He couldn't describe it. It was as if his skin was too tight for him. Through Lucan's embrace, Zack felt a pleasant warmth that drove away this unpleasant feeling. But it was quickly replaced by something else. It was a deep warmth that heated his limbs and quickened his pulse.

Lucan's scent in his nose triggered something he had never experienced before. His skin began to glow and suddenly Zack's skin was so sensitive that the clothes he was wearing hurt him.

What's happening? Zack heard his mate's voice in his head. He couldn't speak, just gasped.

Lucan, need.. you... now, Zack's voice echoed in Lucan's head. He was completely overwhelmed by everything – Zack's voice, his lure scent that was more intense than ever before, and the violent reaction of his cat and eagle. It was as if they both wanted to burst out of him to get to Zack.

Lucan acted instinctively. He picked Zack up and ran with him to their bedroom, where they locked themselves. His lover gasped in his arms, looked at him with pleading eyes.

Lucan, it hurts – make it stop. Again he heard Zack's voice in his head, clearly and distinctly.

He tore off the clothes of his succubus and did the same with his.

*************SMUT SCENE*************

Zack lay panting in front of him, his penis erect and his entrance soaking wet. Lucan growled and didn't hesitate for a second to sink into his beloved. Zack screamed softly, clawing his nails at Lucan's back as his demon buried himself inside him.

Zack's scent of lilies and honey had a deep note that Lucan had never smelled before. It drove his cat crazy. Small flashes of lightning flashed beneath Zack's skin as Lucan kept thrusting hard into him.

"So... deep..." Zack gasped, unable to handle the sensory overload. He came hard and shouted Lucan's name, but the burning did not stop. He needed more. More, he rumbled in Lucan's head. The ice-blue eyes shone and long fangs grew above Zack's lower lip. He flipped his demon on his back and lowered himself on top of him. His wings and succubus tail burst out, wrapping his hands around his lover's arm. He rode Lucan, his wings fluttering more and more violently as he got closer to his second orgasm.

Lucan didn't know what was happening and stared spellbound at his stunning lover, who took him without restraint. As Zack headed for orgasm again, he began to change again. The small flashes of lightning ran over his wings and his eyes shone a little brighter than before. The moment he came, Zack bit Lucan's neck, sending him over the abyss as well.

Lucan felt hot ecstasy rushing through his body, he didn't stand a chance. He had never felt such intense lust before. He poured himself into his demon and grabbed him roughly by the hip. He shoved Zack next to him and penetrated him from behind, taking him hard again and again as he clawed into the blanket, moaning and writhing.

Lucan's instincts took complete control. He took his lover wildly, without any tenderness. When he felt Zack tighten again, he bit Zack in the wing and brought him to orgasm. Zack's blood was energetic and rushed through Lucan's body, something he had never experienced before.

He only gave Zack a short break, because it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough for either of them.


Ten days later, in the second half of the 11th month of pregnancy...

Aleks and Belial had returned to the temple. After visiting the village the day before, they had returned to the temple in the evening. They had spent the day exploring and examining it extensively.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now