Chapter 17

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When Hope came out of the water, Sereph exhaled with relief, but Aleks didn't follow. Belial looked at Hope, who was lying down on the floor. Where's Aleks?

Hope looked at the water, waited, but Aleks didn't come. Then the fish and the eel stopped swimming and dived, they just disappeared. The barrier that kept the demons out vanished and they rushed to Hope.

Sereph took his mate in his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Hope, where is Aleksander?" Belial asked with fear in his voice.

The human looked at the demon. "He is still below, with the god."

That's all he knew. He didn't know why he and Aleks were separated. He told the two demons what they had experienced while waiting for Aleks to appear. A tremor went through the floor. The pond vibrated, and the next moment Aleks burst through the surface of the water. He coughed and gasped for air, swam to the edge.

The relief flowed through Belial and he pulled his mate out of the water. Grief stood on Aleks' face and tears ran down his cheeks.

"What's up, Tsuka?" Belial asked, dismayed.

"Degei, he's dying. I couldn't stop it," he sobbed.

Hope's chest contracted painfully.

"Then we should get out of here as soon as possible, who knows what will happen to the cave when the god is gone," Sereph said seriously. As if he had seen the future, the cave began to shake and the ceiling began to collapse.

"Damn!" Belial cried, for the passage was buried. There was only one way out and he prayed that it would work. He created a portal. This time there was no power to suppress it. They quickly ran through it and heard the loud crash as the cave collapsed behind them.

Nero was on his way out from the kitchen when he felt a resonance of power. A portal opened and four figures came rushing out of it. When he realized that it was Belial and Aleks, as well as Sereph and a young blond man, he stopped in amazement. All four were wearing wetsuits and were wet, especially Aleks and the blond young man dripping.

What the hell?

"Why does everything around us always have to collapse? Can't you just walk out somewhere peacefully? Hell again!" Aleks shouted, beside himself.

The other three looked at him in astonishment. Hope began to laugh and their mates relaxed as well.

"Kuro?" a questioning voice came from the left.

Belial looked at Nero, who looked at him questioningly. He replied with a don't-ask-because-you-wouldn't-believe-it-look. He cleared his throat. "Nero, Sereph and his mate are our guests for the time being. Would you have a room prepared for them?" he asked his right hand. He nodded perplexed and started right away.

Hope and Sereph were grateful to be able to find a quiet place after these hardships, so they gratefully accepted the offer. They went to the room, which an astonished servant showed them, and Aleks and Belial also went to theirs. They took off their clothes and armor and sat down in the warm tub.

Hope and Sereph did the same. They calmly discussed with their partner what had happened, and then went to sleep. All four slept a deep and restful sleep, which they desperately needed after this adventure.

The next morning, Belial was awakened by the rays of the sun. These got caught in the white-blond hair of his lover, who had snuggled into the crook of his arm. They had begun to sleep in the spoon position, as Aleks' stomach only allowed the lateral position. He inhaled the scent of roses and rain after sunrise and kissed the sensitive neck of his angel.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now