Chapter 23

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They all sat down on the seats and six eyes were suddenly fixed on Zion. What did they expect from him? Should he tell his entire life story? Should he only talk about Telos? For a moment he stayed silent thoughtfully. "I only have this one chance, right?" he asked, and the Hellprince nodded.

Aleks leaned against his mate and the latter snuggled his cheek against him. This small gesture revived the feeling in Zion that had moved him to cooperate. That's what I want too.

"Well, I'll try to keep it short. But I'm going to have to elaborate a bit so that you understand what Telos is. Its roots go deeper than you think, because this organization has been around for over three hundred years. They had a lot of patience and now their plan is finalized, but let's start with their approach. Just as they brought me into the organization, they did it with thousands of others."

273 years ago...

Zion sat crouching against the wall of a house, his head on his knees, which he had embraced with his arms. Laughing children and busy adults walked past him, paying no attention to him. His stomach growled and he knew he would soon have to steal some food. Since the death of his parents, he lived on the streets, without a roof over his head or anything to eat. He stole it when he couldn't take it anymore.

It's about time. He knew he was reaching his limits, so he tried to pull himself together. Suddenly, a few feet stopped in front of him. They were high-quality brown leather shoes that were freshly polished. A demon with money.

"Are you hungry?" the strange man asked kindly.

Zion shook his head, but his stomach growled so loudly that he blushed at that moment. The man looked at him with an impenetrable expression on his face and silently walked to a stall and bought something to eat. He placed it in front of the little boy, who looked at it with wide eyes.

Don't accept anything from strangers, they always want something in return. But his stomach tightened painfully when he saw the steaming food. "What do you want in return?" he asked the adult, not moving.

"Nothing. Just grab it."

Carefully, he grabbed the food and began to eat. It tasted delicious and soon he was eating it without restraint.

"Where are your parents?" the man asked.

"Dead," Zion replied briefly.

The man looked at him thoughtfully. "Do you want a home, a roof over your head and something to eat?" he asked the boy, who looked at him suspiciously.

"I'm not going to be a slave," Zion said, his eyes narrowed.

"That was never my intention. My leader has founded an organization that helps orphans like you. All financed by donations. Would you like to come with me?" he asked the boy.

Zion hesitated, for he hadn't heard of it. However, he had noticed that some children who had also lived on the streets had suddenly disappeared. Not that anyone cared.

It took a week for Zion to decide to give it a try. He followed the man and he took him far from the city to a large mansion that had several buildings around it. There he was taken to a burrow where there were already numerous other boys. The room was full of bunk beds and there wasn't that much space, but since Zion didn't have anything either way, it was enough.

The first night in a real bed was heavenly. He talked to other boys and they all said the same thing, they were taken in here and taken care of. All they had to do was play by the rules.

Every day they had to get up, wash themselves and make their beds. Then they were taken to a large hall where they were waiting. There were overseers who assigned them certain tasks, such as tilling fields, planting and taking care of the garden, and other things. The work was exhausting, but it was ok. Soon Zion had muscles and a healthy constitution.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now