Chapter 8 (with smut-scene)

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Together they went back to hell. They would continue to investigate, but Aleks was exhausted and they had done everything in the human world that had been possible up to that point. Exhausted, Aleks let himself sink against Belial.

"Tsuka, I have another meeting. Rest, I'll be back. Do you need anything before I leave?" his demon asked him affectionately. Aleks shook his head and snuggled up in the blanket.

He is so incredible, my angel. He would love to hug him and never let go. This closeness, these feelings and this deep connection. Again and again they surprised Belial again and he could hardly believe his luck. Quietly, he made his way to the office, where Nero, Alas and Yuri were waiting for him.

"Well then, let's start," Belial said and sat down.

When Aleks woke up, he sensed something was wrong. Something was different. I am hungry. So hungry. He clawed his fingers into Belial's pillow and rubbed his face against it, soaking up the smell of his demon. He opened his eyes carefully, but his head was slightly foggy. It felt like he was wrapped in cotton wool. His body was acting, and he was just a spectator.

I want him. A growl escaped his chest. Carefully, Aleks stood up and closed his eyes. He felt the connection to his mate, like a golden thread that connected them. Slowly he walked to the door, opened it and followed the thread.

"What do you think, Belial, should we intervene preventively?" Yuri asked, making a thoughtful face.

"I think-" but Belial broke off. The three of them looked at him with questioning faces. The door opened and Aleks stood in it, but something was wrong. Belial was frozen, unable to move.

Slowly, Aleks ran towards him, his eyes fogged. What? The other three were silent, watching what was happening. Aleks sat on Belial's lap and snuggled up to him, rubbing his face against the back of his neck. Aleks' scent ensnared him, but something was different, Belial was frozen.

"I'm hungry, demon," his angel whispered in a soft, seductive voice.

Belial sensed that his angel was addressing his inner demon and he was purring. What is that? It felt like Aleks was touching his inner demon, heating him up. Then he felt teeth sink into the place between his neck and shoulder.

The three warriors looked spellbound at the two of them. The scene was surreal, because they all felt it. Belial's demon was close to the surface, but not threatening, but tame. It was fascinating. Then they saw Aleks' fangs grow and bury themselves in Belial. Aleks has fangs? They saw that the two shared a connection, something deep.

Belial's eyes had turned black and his tribal marks had appeared, but he was completely calm.

Alas was the first to pull himself out of his torpor and tapped the other two. They left the room and closed the door behind them.

"Did you feel that too?" Yuri asked. His face showed confusion and at the same time a certain longing.

"Yes, they are completely one, connected. I felt it," Alas said, clutching his chest.

"I feel deep peace right now. What the hell? The two are-" but there was no word that could describe this connection.

Meanwhile, Aleks fed on Belial's rich blood and the inner burning sensation changed. The demon immediately noticed the change in Aleks' scent.

"Tsuka, I'm walking on the edge. You lured my inner demon to the surface and took control of him. If he breaks away, I'll lose myself," Belial said, trying to push him back.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now