Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Tears ran down Aleks' cheeks.

"You wrote it all down?" Aleks asked, and Belial nodded. He fetched three books and placed them in the hands of his mate.

Aleks opened the first one and read a few words, then he closed it and pressed it to his chest. He would read everything, every line.

Gadriel had disappeared after a few hugs before the conversation began. Belial had given him a rough description of what had happened. Well, in Hope's part, he had described everything in great detail, who knew if it was important.

"Then it's time to talk to the others. Besides, I'm really hungry," Aleks said, standing up. His demon nodded. Both ran out of the room to the entrance area, where many had gathered.

Hell, what's going on here? Has everyone been waiting for me? Aleks could hardly believe that. He ran downstairs and before he could even say a word, he was jumped on by his brother and almost crushed.

"Don't you ever dare do that to me again, Tacina. Do you hear?" Zack sobbed.

Aleks pats him on the back. "All right. I understood." Slowly, the tapping became more desperate, because Zack's embrace slowly became a vice. Two hands carefully pulled it away from him and he had to take a deep breath. Next to Zack stood Lucan with a baby with a yellow and blue eye, and a small hairline of black hair with white strands could be seen.

"Is that Asta?" Aleks asked, laughing. My niece.

Lucan nodded and Aleks took the little one in his arms for the first time. She chuckled and put her hand on Aleks' cheek. Her hand suddenly lit up and Aleks felt a pulse go through his body. Without warning, his wings shot out of the back. Unfortunately, they met Lyric, who was pushed over and snatched two vases from the table.

"Heavens. Lyric, everything alright?" Aleks asked, shocked.

"Sorry, Tacina, I should have warned you. Asta... likes to give people a... shock wave to show their true form," Zack said embarrassedly, scratching his head.

Incredible. Aleks began to laugh. "You're a fierce little warrior. You got the temperament from your mom," Aleks said affectionately to the little one. Carefully, he returned her to Lucan, who looked at him apologetically.

Lyric had already pulled himself together and waved it off. With a smile, he hugged Aleks. "It's good that you're finally back," he said, and the angel thanked him.

Nix stood behind Lyric and looked down at the ground. He was unsure how to behave.

Aleks looked at the oracle and snapped at his forehead. "Why such a long face? Did Lyric annoy you?" he asked in a friendly voice.

"No, Aleksander, I'm just unsure whether... I am welcome here. After all...", but the rest was lost in the mumbling.

Aleks knew immediately what was bothering Nix. He had certainly known about the kidnapping and the attack and now reproached himself for not preventing it. But it was true, without his kidnapping he wouldn't have been able to create the third key, that's just the way it was. "Don't pull a long face, Nix. Of course, you are always welcome here, after all, someone has to annoy Lyric, if Sai doesn't take over," the angel said and hugged Nix. The oracle breathed a sigh of relief.

It went on like this until it was everyone's turn and they all said their goodbye. Finally, of all the employees, Liran had greeted him in a friendly manner, addressing him again as Kirasch. Actually, he had thought that he had finally trained him to not to.

When almost everyone had left, another figure stepped out of the entrance. Father.

Raphael silently walked over to Aleks, who involuntarily stiffened. For a moment he saw a hint of sadness on his face, but he immediately regained his composure.

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