Chapter 31

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In front of him stood the female archangel Jophiel.


"How could you enter the divine halls? Only archangels can open the gate," she said suspiciously, assuming a fighting stance.

"Aleksander!" a familiar voice shouted.

Shit, shit, shit.

Raphael and Michael landed about five meters away from him.

Jophiel was completely confused. Who was Aleksander and why did this angel have silver wings? Only Raphael possessed them. Slowly it dawned on her.

Each angel had a distinctive wing color. Her wings were green, Raphael's silver, Michael's golden. If he had silver wings, he had to be of Raphael's blood.

"Ciel," the angel's voice rang out, and an angel's sword appeared in Aleks' hand.

This seemed to shock the other two archangels as much as Jophiel, because this sword was no ordinary sword.

"I'm going to go home and you won't stop me," Aleks exclaimed.

"You can't escape and put the casket on the floor in front of you. Why did you steal it? No one can open it, it's worthless," Raphael said calmly, even if it looked very different with him.

"You're wrong. You can't open it," Aleks said calmly. I have to get out of here. But how was he supposed to open the portal? He knew that he was inferior to three archangels. I'm not going back.

He became quiet and Raphael and Michael stepped closer, Jophiel continued to lie in wait. I need strength. I must be mightier than three archangels. But these were only the gods. Gods. Divine power. A memory flashed into his head.

Zack stood in the middle of the battlefield. His body glowed, and his eyes and hair were the color of mercury. A soft shiny silver fabric in the shape of a toga encircled his body. He steered the battle with his hand movements like a conductor. He steered the time.

There was a solution, but he didn't know how it would end. Degei, lend me your strength. Aleks took a deep breath, then put his hand to the opening of the casket, pushed the button inward.

The archangels watched in disbelief as it opened. They felt the resonance, a ball of light rose from the casket – so bright that they had to hold their hands in front of their faces. This wandered to Aleks' chest and connected to the empty key. A bright glow covered Aleks' skin and the casket fell rattling to the floor.

It was like a punch in the stomach, but all over his body. The air was forced out of his lungs and a blast wave hurled the archangels backwards. Aleks got down on his knees, panting, gasping for air. The robe, torn to shreds by the pressure, hung over his hip, his bare chest exposed. The third key glowed on his neck and he felt an ancient magic rushing through his body. His hair turned white-blonde and his wings turned into silver fire – wings of flames. Silver lines ran across his glowing skin, his bond mark had turned into a silver dragon, and when he opened his eyes, they all looked into icy blue eyes with a silver ring.

His distorted voice sounded and was in every head of all living beings, whether demon, angel, human or Deva.

"Clack clack, sounded the pointer of time that had frozen. Time has awakened and empathy has been born. A miracle that opens everyone's minds. Now the time has come and they awaken the knowledge that has been dormant until now.

Three keys were found. One will open time, one will close empathy, the other will liberate knowledge. United, the end now begins. Time will decide."

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now