Chapter 41

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Hope knew it the moment Aleks' flames went out and his wings turned silver. He did it. He chose us.

A loud clap rang out. "Excellent," Reshef said. Slowly, he walked towards Hope.

Niyati knelt on the ground, his time was up. "Damn, angel, don't forget my words!" he shouted, then broke away from Zack's body, which fell forward unconscious.

Hope, weakened, looked at the fallen God who stood in front of him.

Reshef reached out to him, but he reached for something in front of his chest. "Time to sever your bond and reap your soul, knowledge," he said in a cold voice.

Hope's eyes widened, but he had no strength left to fight back. In the battle he had used up all of it. A golden thread of light appeared, connecting him and Sereph – their soul bond.

"No," he gasped as Reshef applied the golden scissors to them.

Niyati's barrier had dissolved, but the one in which the three carriers were trapped was still standing. Sereph beat it, tried everything to get to his heart, but he had no strength left. He had used it up when he had assisted his mate in the fight against knowledge.

Sereph. I love you, my heart. He heard Hope's voice in his head, then the fallen god cut the thread. Sereph's power fizzled out and he fell to his knees. An emptiness seized his body, robbed him of all his strength. He had lost something—something he couldn't live without. His eyes met the empty eyes of his heart. He saw it. The scissors drove into Hope's navel and a cut sounded. Black symbols traveled from Hope's navel over his body and the next moment Hope's heart stopped beating.

A gray flame was emblazoned in Reshef's hand, he had just cut Hope's soul out of his body.

Sereph simply tilted to the side, remained motionless with empty eyes.

Astaroth and Belial tried to pull themselves together, but they couldn't.

Aleks couldn't breathe, he had seen it – he had seen Hope's death and now he went to Sai. Despair, pure despair, that was all Aleks felt. Weakly, he reached out to Sai. No, not my son. Please, don't. Why had he chosen this world if it now took away everything that meant something to him?

The scissors sounded twice. Astaroth fell motionless to the side, and Sai's heart stopped beating. A black flame joined the gray one.

The footsteps sounded like a roar in Aleks' ears. It was like a thunder, the announcement of the end. Then they stopped, and their feet stood in front of him. "No."

"Time, now it's your turn," came the voice of the fallen God.

Am I going to die now? Aleks heard Belial throw himself against the barrier. He saw the golden thread appear between him and his heart. No. His heart was beating so fast that he couldn't hear anything. Aleks saw everything in slow motion. He saw the golden scissors attach to the thread. No.

Then they began to close.

Bel, I love you. Together, for-. Aleks was swallowed up by the void. All emotion vanished from his body and Belial slumped to his knees. It's over.

There was no forever for them. It was over. The scissors penetrated Aleks' navel and he felt them touch his soul. A tear ran down his cheek. Niyati had betrayed him. There was no hope for him. Then the last words of the god penetrated his head.

"All you have to do is speak the following words at the crucial moment: আমি আমার সঠিক জায়গা নিচ্ছি। হাঁটু গেড়ে বস."

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