Chapter 25

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Astaroth opened his eyes and found himself in a white room. Where am I? A soft male laugh sounded behind him. Reflexively, he turned around and looked into two blue eyes. In front of him stood a young man with short black hair and facial features very similar to Belial. Is that...? A finger rested on his lips.

Please forgive me, Tsuka. Then he felt soft lips on his, at the same time he felt magic being sucked out of his body. His legs threatened to give way, but he was just holding himself upright.

You have to protect me, hide me. Tsuka, save me.

Astaroth didn't know what to say. He sank to his knees and propped himself up. The young man broke away from him and walked past him. Astaroth saw him go to Aleks, who suddenly stood next to him. He also saw Belial and Zack, but neither said anything or moved. What's going on?

Aleks had watched the whole thing and now the young man came up to him. Who are you? Why are we here? These thoughts haunted his mind, but he could not utter them.

I'm sorry, but it has to be. He is coming, and you need all your strength to face him. Come back to me again.

Aleks opened his eyes. Then the young man looked at Belial and Zack.

Save my Na. These words echoed in their heads. Then they had to watch as the young man's hand began to glow.

He collected the magic he had taken from Astaroth and concentrated it in his hand. With the other, he took Aleks' seal out of the body, so that the last level of the seal rotated in front of his navel. Without hesitation, he thrust the luminous hand into the seal and unleashed the magic in one fell swoop.

Aleks gasped as the seal burst into a thousand sparks. The white world disappeared, and they returned to reality.

Lyric saw a jolt go through Aleks' body. His seal appeared in front of his body and began to vibrate. Then it lit up and shattered. The glow in his eyes and those of the others disappeared.

Aleks convulsed and fell to his knees screaming. The ground began to vibrate, but it wasn't just Aleks. This strong resonance was superimposed on another – one that was rapidly approaching. What? Silver wings sprouted from Aleks' back and at that moment they knew that the prophecy had come true.

"When time unfolds its silver wings, the blind blade becomes clear and emerges to bathe everything in an emerald green light."

Shin hissed and pulled away from Aleks' body. A deep growl escaped from his mouth.

The air became heavy and was bathed in a green light. A few seconds later, a creature landed on the ground a few meters away in front of them and shook the surrounding area. Astaroth reacted instinctively, grabbing Sai and fleeing into the house, creating a protective aura around themselves and disguising their presence.

Belial had run to Aleks and pulled him reassuringly into his arms. Panting, his mate looked down at the ground, trying to control the pressure and magic that threatened to overwhelm him. Slowly, he lifted his eyes and saw a male being rise, wearing a white robe, short white hair and emerald green shining eyes. Silver wings protruded from its back, as Aleks now had. Frightened, he opened his eyes, because he knew who was standing in front of him.

"Hello Aleksander," came a pure, powerful voice.


Belial looked at the man and it was unmistakable that he was Aleks' father. Even though the resemblance to his mother was clearer, Aleks had inherited some of his traits. Everyone knew at that moment who was standing in front of them and no one dared to say a word.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now