Chapter 35

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Four weeks after the beginning of Aleks' sleep...

Hope tossed and turned restlessly, not being able to sleep. Something was keeping him awake and it was already gnawing at him. It was like a spot that itched, but he couldn't scratch it. He had to do something, something pulled him in one direction and he knew he would have to follow it, otherwise he would go insane.

Sereph lovingly put his arm around his mate and pulled him to his chest. "Dhan, what's the matter?"

Hope rubbed his face against him and sighed. "Sereph, something is wrong. It feels like my body wants to get to a certain place and it's pulling me in that direction. I have to go there."

Sereph was silent at first. What could it be? Where was Hope supposed to go and what awaited her there? Was it dangerous? "Where to, Dhan?" he asked.

Hope lifted his head and looked at him, then he opened his eyes and two emeralds looked at Sereph. "We have to go to Aleks," his mate said.

When they learned of the angel's serious injury and the abduction and return from heaven, they were more than shocked. Aleks had created the third key – Hope's key – in heaven. Perhaps it is the key that attracts him.

"You can't do that, you mustn't meet," Sereph said affectionately, brushing a strand from his heart's face.

Hope made a thoughtful expression. "I know."

After three days, Sereph sent out a raven.

Hope had started tossing and turning restlessly in bed and scratching his whole body bloody, couldn't sit still. They had no choice, they had to take Hope to Aleks.

With bandaged arms and legs, they traveled to Belial. When Hope stepped through the portal and entered the reception hall, the insane itching finally subsided and he became calmer. As if pulled by an invisible hand, Hope ran in the direction where Aleks must be.

With a pounding heart, he opened the door and entered the room, Sereph followed him. Aleks was lying on the bed with his wings outstretched, the right wing had already grown back a bit. Hope's cousin had pale skin and looked like a porcelain doll, fragile yet beautiful.

Carefully, Hope sat down next to the angel and took his right hand in his. He was where he needed to be. Hope raised Aleks' hand to his lips and whispered, "Wake up, cousin. You promised me that we would tell each other everything, get close to each other. You're the only family I've got left except Sereph." But the angel didn't move.

Sereph and Belial, who had joined them, watched the scene.

It hurt Belial's heart to watch it. Sai was in his arms and watched the scene in silence. Nix had assured them that the end of the world couldn't begin as long as Aleks was asleep – because as the prophecy said, Aleks had to make a decision and that wasn't possible if he wasn't awake.

A pull went through Hope's arm and it came loose as if by itself to travel to the amulets on Aleks' neck. He had suspected it. It was his key that had called him. With a gentle touch, his fingers rested on it.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now