Chapter 24

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"What are your next steps if you have this artifact in your possession?" Belial asked, stroking Aleks' back reassuringly.

Zion looked down at the ground. "They're not going to attack yet, because all the carriers have to be identified and all the keys have to be found first. The soul of the carriers is not harvested until they have been opened so that the divine power in them can fully unfold. If the last key and carrier is found, the final phase will occur. Telos will try to gather all the carriers and open them."

So they still had time until the third key was found.

"Good, thank you for your honesty. We have now learned a lot and now know what to expect. I also ask you to provide us with detailed descriptions of all the members of Telos and also a list of all possible spies in our ranks. I have now decided what to do next for you," Astaroth said and stood up. He went to the door and gave instructions to an employee, then he came back.

Zion knew that his future would now be decided here. How will the prince of hell judge him? Did he deserve a second chance? Could he live a peaceful life and seek his heart? Sweat of fear covered his skin and his heart pounded loudly. What if it was all in vain – what if my end was sealed? He had trusted Aleksander, but would he regret it now?

"I have decided that you will stay here as a guest for the time being until this war comes to an end. You will be supervised and monitored by a commander of mine. If you fight faithfully by our side to the end, I will pardon you and you will be allowed to live in my kingdom without punishment. If you prove to be a military support, I will also think about making a place for you in my army," Astaroth announced his decision.

Oh ye gods. Relief flowed through Zion's body.

"But first, answer the following questions. Aleksander, listen carefully," the hellprince said with a serious face, and Aleks nodded.

"Zion, do you feel even a shred of loyalty or connection to Telos or any of its followers?"

"No, I broke away from them when they gave up on me," the demon replied truthfully. In the two years, not one person had even tried to save him. It had been clear to him then that he was no longer important to them and that someone else had taken his place.

"Is there anything or anyone that Telos could use against you or use to blackmail you?" Astaroth continued.

Again, Zion denied it. "The only one I cared about was Gloria, but she has already passed away."

At this remark, Aleks flinched, because the memory of the little blonde demon was still clear and distinct.

"Well, to the last question. Do you intend to harm me or any other being, be it Belial or another member of my realm or that of the other princes of hell?"

"No. I will support you in your fight," the prisoner replied.

Aleks nodded, it was all true.

Astaroth then stood up and made a slave ring appear. He loosened Zion's shackles and put them on him. Thus, he would always know where he was and could ensure that he could only enter or leave certain areas of the property.

Zion didn't resist, for it was more freedom than the two years before.

There was a soft knock on the door. A female demon about 5' 7'' tall with light green hair, which she had braided into a braid, and dark green eyes, entered the room. "You called me, Kuro," the Sylph's voice rang out.

Zion turned and looked into the two jade-green lakes in which he was sinking. He froze, said nothing. His heart began to beat wildly and the scent of lavender ensnared him. His nostrils puffed up and sucked in this wonderful scent.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now