Chapter 18

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Nix smiled. "Oh little babies, you really don't know anything about anything. Weren't you paying attention at school?" he said. Hope looked at Aleks, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Dear ones, just as there is a rank system in hell, there is also one in heaven, only something... different. There are a total of nine classes of angels, which can be divided into three areas. The supreme sphere is that of the heavenly advisors – the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. The second sphere is that of the heavenly stewards – the Kyriothetes, Dynameis and Elohim. The last and third spheres are those of the heavenly messengers – the archai, archangels and angels.

"The Seraphim ensure that heaven, earth and hell are supplied with the divine life energy – also called magic. The Cherubim are guardians and transmitters of the divine plan, and the Thrones are the ones who pass on and distribute the responsibilities in this regard to the lower levels.

"The Kyriothetes monitor and relay information, because they can see along the branches of choice and decision, the ripple effect of every action that may take place. The ones responsible for other invisible processes are the Dynameis, who also break many laws of nature and work so-called miracles. Lastly, the Elohim, they are carriers of human consciousness and help with birth and death. They keep the world in balance and lead lost souls on the path of heaven. They also have the task of protecting the heavenly sphere from all negative influences of the earthly sphere.

"The first and second spheres do not interact directly with the human world or hell and never leave heaven, so they are uninteresting. The third, however, is the decisive one. The seven archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, Camael and Zadkiel rule over the armies and make all decisions regarding the human world and hell. They commission the angels standing below them and supervise them.

"The Archai, on the other hand, control, monitor, and maintain the functionality of time itself, ensuring that everything proceeds in the right way – according to the laws of time as established by the supreme God. Thus, the Archai are a kind of neutral control unit that intervenes when the archangels do not. They operate in the background, unrecognized.

"The number of class members decreases sharply from bottom to top, with the exception of the archangels, of whom there are always exactly seven. Thus, more than ninety-five percent of the inhabitants of heaven are members of the lowest class of angels. There is also no direct possibility of ascension, one is only called to a higher one by the gods alone. You can read more about this in the Angel Chronicle.

"If a non-angel were to enter the heavenly sphere, this would lead to a conflict with the archangels and the Archai, as this would contradict the heavenly laws. And a conflict with the Archai should be avoided, because I suspect that it was they who caused the erasion of the existence of the Deva from the history books and memories."

Wow. Aleks was dumbfounded. There's so much I don't know yet. "Are they powerful?" Hope asked cautiously.

Nix shook his head. "Many people think that classes have to do with a difference of power, but it is not the case, because here, our definition of power does not apply. The first and second spheres have tasks that go beyond our ability to think. They influence us directly and indirectly, but there will never be direct contact between us and them.

"The definition of power only takes effect from the archangels, because they act independently and interact with us. An archangel is on the same level as a prince of hell, which is why there are seven of both. So they are direct opposites, all for the sake of cosmic balance."

"It's all very complex," Aleks said, rubbing his forehead. It took him some time and a few conversations with Belial to understand all this. But the essence of the statement has arrived: should they enter into heaven, there could be a confrontation with the archangels and Archai, which should be avoided at all costs.

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