Chapter 21

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Belial was awakened twice a night by a soft cry and got up to go to the small self-made cradle where their son was lying. Gently, he took him in his arms and placed him on his chest so that he could connect with Belial's magic cycle to eat.

Slowly, Sai calmed down and a yawn escaped his little mouth when he finished. Aleks turned restlessly, but continued to sleep. He was still severely exhausted from childbirth and blood loss. Although he had been able to compensate for this somewhat, it would take some time before he had fully recovered.

Belial swayed Sai gently in his arms until he fell asleep again. Then he put him back in the cradle and covered him. Quietly, he lay down in bed and pulled his angel back to him.

As the light illuminated the room, Aleks began to stir. Belial sensed that his mate was waking up and took their son to face Aleks with him.

When Aleks opened his eyes, he saw two small blue eyes and chuckling cheeks greeting him. A radiant smile crossed Aleks' face. "Good morning, Sai," he whispered affectionately, pressing a kiss on the baby's nose.

Belial lay behind Sai and watched the whole thing with a smile. Their son looked at Aleks wide-eyed and made gurgling noises. His arms moved uncoordinated in the air, but had a clear target – Aleks' face.

When the small soft hand touched Aleks' cheek, Aleks felt a magical impulse. It was as if all physical barriers fell away from him and he felt light and carefree. Bizarre shapes and colors formed before his eyes, including two yellow eyes. What is that? A warmth spread through his chest, then suddenly he felt hunger and an unpleasant feeling spread through him.

Belial looked at the whole thing curiously, but something was strange. Aleks didn't move anymore, just lay there rigidly. When Sai withdrew his hand and began to whine, Aleks blinked several times and looked around in confusion.

"What?" Aleks asked, confused.

"Tsuka, everything alright? You had been gone," Belial asked in surprise.

"Yes, everything is fine. I... I think I've seen Sai's thoughts. I can't explain it, it was... strange," his angel said thoughtfully. Then he took Sai and put him to his chest and immediately the whining stopped.

Belial looked at Aleks thoughtfully. Sai is empathy and the prophecy says that he opens everyone's minds. Open. "Tsuka, did Sai open you?" Belial asked.

Aleks looked at him and thought about the statement. "But according to Nix, shouldn't Astaroth be opened first?" his angel replied.

That's right. "But what if he already was? We should talk to Astaroth," Belial said, and Aleks agreed.

Astaroth confirmed their suspicion, with Aleks feeling like he wasn't telling them everything. Together they sat in the study, Aleks on the sofa with Sai on his chest and Belial at the desk. "I feel like Astaroth has changed," Aleks said out of nowhere.

Belial looked in amazement at his mate, who stroked Sai's back. "How did you come up with that?"

"Well, his gaze. He looks at Sai differently than he looks at you or me. It's as if he has a special connection to our son, but he's only just been born," Aleks replied.

Belial would pay attention to this next time.

After a week, Aleks was fit enough to move without restriction. His fangs had receded and were now almost gone. It's a shame, because he had a lot of fun with it. Unfortunately, this also meant that he had to continue his training, which he had interrupted due to his pregnancy.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now