Chapter 28

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The next morning, as announced, Gadriel came to pick up Aleks. Unfortunately, the excursion was conditional. No matter how reluctant Aleks was, he had to put on an angel's robe. With a grumble, he gave in. In addition, his angel shackle was hidden with a spell. Aleks quickly realized why – a prisoner would hardly walk around freely.

Together they walked towards the kitchen, where there was a large empty area, but no door far and wide.

"Gadriel, how are we getting out of here?" Aleks asked curiously.

"One thing you need to know about our sphere is that it doesn't work like the human world or Hell. We don't all live next to each other in one large area. Our seats are arranged on top of each other, like plates standing on top of each other. You get to the capital or other seats by flying, but usually we travel through portals," the angel explained, calling one. Unlike the demonic portals, the portals of the angels were gates of light that one passed through.

"When can angels create these?" Aleks asked the angel. Can I do that too? If so, it would be a way to escape, assuming he got rid of that shackle.

"Angels learn this very quickly," Gadriel said.

"And how do you create them? I mean, do you just think 'Portal, appear'?" Aleks replied, hoping to get valuable information.

Gadriel didn't seem to think anything of it and answered bluntly. "Young angels are taught by imagining that they are reaching for a ball that is in the place they want to travel to and pulling it towards them."

Aleks nodded. Very good, I can work with that.

When Aleks didn't ask any further, Gadriel nodded in the direction of the angel's portal. "Shall we go?"

"Let's go!"

Together they stepped through it and the next moment they were standing in a large paved square. Numerous angels with wings walked over it. Aleks spun in circles and saw what Gadriel had described to him. Around him were thousands of small and larger houses on top of each other on cloud-like plains, from some of which angels took off and flew.

Wow. "Where is Raphael's residence?" Aleks asked, still overwhelmed.

"The residences of the archangels are in the highest sphere and only angels of their rank or with special permission can enter them."

In other words, the VIP area, which is difficult to reach.

After tearing himself away from the sight, Aleks looked around here on the ground. He saw numerous shops and stalls to his left. On the right were two large buildings, the length of which he couldn't estimate. They had to be huge.

"The great building with the many columns is the divine library, where the knowledge of the world is written down and preserved. The other great one is the divine hall where the archangels hold their meetings and talk to the gods. The area on the left in front of us is the shopping area and if we go straight down the street we will get to the museum. There you will most likely meet many young angels who are going on an excursion from the school," Gadriel explained.

Wow, even angels go to school. He had to let it all sink in first. A light wind pulled on the hood with which he had covered his blond hair. Together they walked in the direction where Gadriel had located the museum. Aleks watched the angels around him and he noticed something – all of them had unfolded their wings.

"Can't angels retract their wings?" Aleks asked, which was probably wrong, since Samuel could do it too.

"No, that's not the reason. Our wings are a kind of status symbol that we are proud of. Moreover, there is no reason to retract them." Gadriel pulled in his with a jerk. Had he only done this so that Aleks didn't feel stupid because he couldn't let out his own?

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now