Chapter 29

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Aleks exhaled in relief when the angel left him behind. The question was, how did he get past the guards? The answer was simple. The shackle suppressed any angelic abilities, the emphasis on angelic, not that of his Deva side. Raphael didn't know that.

With a wave of his hand, he froze the two guards and walked past them. They only felt a draft, which they dismissed as unimportant. They hadn't seen that Aleks had walked right past them. It sounded so simple, and it was. Thank goodness my Deva powers are working. But unfortunately they did not bring him out of heaven.

Cautiously, he ran up the floors. In the seventh and ninth, he also froze the guards and walked past them when no one was looking. The higher you went, the fewer angels there were. When he entered the top floor, he quickly fled behind a shelf when he heard footsteps. In the lower ones he could have excused himself with the excuse of a special permit, but not in this one, because he wasn't an archangel. He had absolutely no right of residence here.

As the footsteps moved away, he breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the books on the shelves and realized that they had dates and titles on them, all before Lucifer's fall. The real story. He had heard in the lecture with the children the year in which Lucifer had fallen, he could orient himself to that. He scurried through the rows of shelves in search of the right year.

When he heard footsteps again, he hid behind a red brocade curtain. He saw a female figure without wings with long green hair running down the aisle and disappeared. Who was that?

He couldn't get distracted, he had to quickly find what he had come here for. After some time, he finally stood in front of the shelf with the right decade. He walked along until he got to the right year. Two thick books came into view, he pulled out the first one and flipped through it. At first glance, nothing out of the ordinary.

He put it back and took the second one. Leafing through it, however, his gaze lingered on a picture, a drawing of a large white snake with a diamond pattern. Degei. It had to be that. Again, he heard footsteps and was startled. Soon, Gadriel would also look for him, he knew that.

Aleks had no choice, he had to take this book with him. But how? His gaze fell on the brocade curtain, which was tied back with a cord. He untied this cord and pulled it out of the loops. Then he pulled up his robe and pressed the book to his stomach. With the cord, which he wrapped around his stomach several times, he fixed the tome to his body as best he could. Well, hope this goes well. One wrong move and you would see the outline of the book.

As the footsteps went in his direction, Aleks waited for the moment, hidden behind the process. When the person was close enough, he froze time, came out of his hiding place and quickly walked past them. It was the woman with the green hair again.

So he made his way back, past the guards. What he hadn't seen was that the woman, while he had walked past her, had turned to him and smiled.

Slowly it was getting late and Gadriel was expected at home. Aleks still wasn't there, so he had to look for him. Just as he was about to set off, Aleks came towards him from the stairs. Thank the gods, he hasn't disappeared. "Time to go home," he greeted Raphael's son joyfully and he just nodded.

Together they went down the steps, because it was not allowed to open a portal near the library. Gadriel was about to call one when a male voice spoke to him. "Gadriel, what are you doing here?" he asked.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now