Chapter 20

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In the middle of the 15th month of pregnancy...

Aleks lays on the terrace and lets the sun shine on his stomach. Next to him were already two empty vials of Belial's blood. He yawned and enjoyed the silence, but it didn't last long. For today, two troublemakers had announced themselves, as he affectionately calls them.

A shadow fell on his face and Aleks blinked. Zack's laughing face looked at him. "Hello, Tacina," he greeted him cheerfully.

Aleks smiled. "Hello, troublemaker."

A feigned offended expression appeared on his face. "Hello, stranded whale. Do you want me to bring you some water?" he replied, and Aleks laughed.

"Yes, please, I'm already very dry." Aleks straightened up and groaned. His belly was huge and the birth could start at any time, which made Aleks more than nervous. Zack helped him with this and adjusted the pillows.

"Where's your sweetheart?" he asked Zack, looking for his better half.

Zack frowned. "Where your better half is. We have something to talk about. Aleks, Lucan and I have something to tell you," Zack began.

"Then don't keep us in suspense," a deep voice sounded from the door. Warm arms wrapped around Aleks. Belial kissed his mate and, as so often, unconsciously stroked his belly. "Lucan is as stiff as a board, what's so mysterious?" the demon asked.

Lucan joined Zack and sat behind him as well.

Aleks looked at them questioningly, curiously waiting to hear what they had to say.

Zack cleared his throat. "I think we'll make it short and painless. Aleks, I... you're going to be an uncle too," Zack said, his cheeks flushed slightly.

Aleks' mouth dropped. Did I mishear? But Lucan's grin gave it all away. My brother is pregnant too?

"Oh Zack, I'm so happy for you. Damn, I want to hug you, but unfortunately the stranded whale here can't come to you," Aleks said with a grin and stretched out his arms. Instead, Zack came up to him and hugged him.

Belial patted Lucan on the shoulder and congratulated him.

"We were surprised ourselves, but now he's past the critical stage, so we wanted to tell you first," said Lucan, whose joy could not be overlooked.

"We have to celebrate, we should-," but Aleks broke off abruptly.

Belial looked confused at his mate, then he smelled the blood.

Zack's eyes widened when he saw the red spot appear in Aleks' crotch.

A sharp pain raced through Aleks' body and he let out a sound of pain, cramping all over his body. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and tears began to run down his cheeks. "Bel-," he gasped.

Belial acted immediately, he picked up Aleks and ran with him towards the hospital wing, shouting orders to all the employees.

Lucan and Zack quickly ran after them and opened the door for them to get in quickly. Carefully, Belial laid his lover on a bed, then Aleks' first cry of pain rang out. The room began to vibrate and little by little all the glass objects in the room began to shatter.

Not again, Lucan thought.

Careful not to inflict pain on Aleks, Belial undressed Aleks and covered him with a blanket on which a red spot spread. He took his hand and squeezed it tenderly. "Tsuka, it's all right, Richelle will be here soon," he tried to reassure him.

Pain raged in Aleks' lower abdomen, then subsided, only to come back in the next wave. He squeezed his beloved's hand and reached for another one – Zack's. They both spoke to him reassuringly, but he couldn't calm down.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now