Chapter 11

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"What was that?" Aleks asked her guide.

When it was quiet, Elenoa dived to the tunnel that led to the previous grotto and was horrified to find that it had closed. The walls had simply moved together. She quickly swam to the other exit, which led outside, and to her relief, she found that it was still open. She then swam back to Aleks and Belial.

"The tunnel through which we came has closed. But the other exit is still open. We can get through there," she said.

Aleks and Belial nodded and let themselves back into the water.

Elenoa dived down and led the way. Aleks and Belial dived side by side. They plunged downwards towards the light. They were close to the exit. With a strong pull, Belial swam upwards and broke through the surface of the water. But when he looked next to him, he didn't see Aleks next to him anymore. Frightened, he dived back.

As Aleks was about to follow Belial, he suddenly crashed into an invisible wall that held him back while Belial swam away. He knocked desperately, but it didn't give in. At that moment, he knew he had to stay calm. A bright light blinded him, and he saw Belial appear before him. He knocked on the invisible wall again.

Slowly, he ran out of air and dived back. Arriving at the surface, he gasped. Belial and Elenoa appeared next to him shortly after.

"Tsuka, what was that?" he asked angrily. Aleks looked at him depressedly.

"I don't know. I... suddenly there was this wall. I couldn't get through," he said in a trembling voice.

Belial and Elenoa looked at him silently. "Tsuka, does that mean you can't leave this cave?" he asked in a hushed voice.

Fear constricted Belial's chest. He tried to create a portal, but it didn't work. Something prevented it.

"Let's try again," Elenoa suggested.

The two nodded and they dived down again. They came up to the spot and Aleks felt the wall again. Belial tried to pull him through, but felt the resistance. It didn't work, Aleks was stuck in the cave.

They swam back to the newly opened cave and Aleks climbed back up onto the ledge. Exhausted, he let himself sink against the wall. Belial sat down next to him and gave him a hug. Elenoa sat down opposite them.

"Elenoa, why can't I leave the cave?" Aleks asked their guide with a trembling lower lip. She looked at them silently.

"What I'm more interested in, why did you stay so calm when you saw Aleks glow?" Belial asked with narrowed eyes. "Who are you really?" he asked.

Aleks looked at him wide-eyed, then looked at Elenoa, who looked down at the ground and bit her lip.

"I-," she began, but broke off.

"Talk," Belial said, growling so that she flinched. She raised her hands defensively.

"Ok, ok. I'm already talking. I... our encounter was no coincidence. I knew you guys were going to be there," she said.

"How?" Aleks asked.

"I belong to the line of visionaries in our tribe. My grandmother, the high priestess of our people, foretold your arrival. That's why I was there that day, looking for you. When I saw you, I immediately felt your divine blood, because I also have the seer's blood in me."

"So you knew I was a Deva. Do you know what Belial is?" Aleks asked.

She nodded. "I know he's an underworlder, but he seems like a good protector to you," she said, pressing her lips together. She knew she was being watched by a predator, and that scared her.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now