Chapter 7

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In the middle of the 7th month of pregnancy, a few days before Lyric's disappearance in the realm of the deceased...

"Belial, I'm fine, and if you don't leave me alone now, I'm going to go mad," Aleks said angrily. He had been doing brilliantly for a week, no nausea, no pain, all good. But his mate was overcautious, which increasingly got on his nerves. He has spent more than a month in bed and has had enough.

"We will now continue our search, no backtalk," Aleks said with a serious expression on his face.

Belial also looked at him with a serious expression. "It's too dangerous, what if it's just a temporary calm?"

Aleks put his arms on his hips and replied, "Then we'll go back again. Come on. Madame Richelle said my pregnancy was very likely fifteen months, meaning I'm only halfway there. It's all right. She gave me the go-ahead."

He wasn't going to back down on this, and Belial knew that. He sighed. "Fine, but as soon as you feel even a little uncomfortable, we'll go back immediately," he relented unwillingly.

So they again made their way into the human world. Their next stop was Rikara's home. She had recently returned from her search and was ready to receive them.

When the two stood in front of the inconspicuous door in the succubi hoard, Aleks already felt the anticipation. He hoped she could tell him more about his mother, after all, Rika was Zack's foster mother. They knocked politely and shortly afterwards they heard a rumble. Lina opened the door with flushed cheeks.

Aleks looked at her questioningly. "Did we just disturb?" he asked uncertainly.

Lina raised her hand defensively. "No, no. We were just training. You wanted to visit Rika, didn't you? She's in her room waiting for you," she said cheerfully and disappeared.

Together they went to the second floor and knocked on Rika's room. The succubus opened the door and greeted her with a smile. "Come in," she said, taking a step back so that Aleks and Belial could enter. She hugged Aleks tightly, happy to finally see him again.

Rika's room, or rather mini-apartment, consisted of a very large room and an attached bathroom on the left and next to it a small walk-in closet. On the left wall, between the doors to the other two rooms, stood a simple bed made of black wood and red satin linen, which could accommodate a good three people. On the other side there was a matching desk on the wall and on the back wall there were three black shelves full of books, sculptures and other treasures. Between these were small round windows that bathed the room in daylight.

Above the desk hung a huge cork wall, on which numerous pictures were attached. Among them were many with their friends, Zack and themselves, but also pictures of places where they had sought treasure. Right next to the front door was a large metal bracket on the wall, on which hung numerous weapons – two katana, one red and one black, then several knives and daggers, and a couple of tonfas. In addition, two silver machetes hung on the sides.

Wow. It's a great room, so much love. Aleks was thrilled. It had a clear touch that said a lot about Rika's personality. Everything had its exact place and was built into an overall structure that created a coherent overall picture.

Rika came back into the room with three bean bags that had been taken from her walk-in closet and placed them on the floor. She took a seat in one and offered the other two to her guests. Aleks and Belial sat down gratefully.

"So, you two. Before we begin, what's the reason you're hiding your visit from Zack?" the demon asked.

Aleks made a guilty face, he didn't like to keep it a secret from Zack. In addition to Lucan, they also brought in Rika – Zack's foster mother and Aleks' best friend.

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