Chapter 2

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So the two went outside and walked through a small garden at the back of the house. Numerous vegetables and fruits were planted there.

"Lynn," Aleks began.

"Yes?" the Sylph demon asked.

"Would you tell me about Belial's childhood? He doesn't talk much about it," Aleks asked nervously.

"Of course. Hmmm. Where do I start?" the Sylph demon said. Then Lynn began to talk about Belial's childhood.

Fifteen-year-old Belial ran to his mother, he had a sullen expression on his face. His shoulder-length, blue-black hair fluttered in the wind as he came running. Lynn saw him from afar and got down on her knees so that they were on an equal footing.

Belial threw himself into his mother's arms and began to cry.

Lynn stroked his back reassuringly. "Well, what happened to you, Tsuki?" he asked his son.

"Ria... Ria took my sword away from me and then flew away. I couldn't stop her or follow her." The sword had been forged by Lynn's mate for their son, it was edgeless and very light so that he couldn't hurt himself. Belial adored it.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it," he tried to calm the little demon.

"Yes, she hates me," Belial said, unwilling to change his mind.

"Did you tease her?" his mother asked.

Belial was silent. "I just asked her if she would teach me how to fight. She just said she doesn't feel like playing with a baby. Then I got angry and hit her leg with my sword."

"Ah, there we have it. But there's no reason to react like that right away, she should know that."

Even though Eleuteria was twenty years older than Belial, she wasn't one iota more mature.

Lynn sighed. "Well, you'll apologize, and so will Ria. Then you will get along."

Belial nodded reluctantly. It wouldn't be so easy with his daughter. She was the epitome of stubbornness. As expected, Ria refused to apologize. However, she returned the small sword, which appeased Belial. Lynn sighed.

Ria had already started her training and Belial was of course jealous and wanted to join in, even if he was still too young. Maybe Lynn should train him as well, albeit more gently. "Belial, do you want to learn how to fight?" he asked his son.

Belial nodded eagerly and looked at him with shining eyes.

"Good, Tsuki, but only on one condition. You will always see it through to the end, even if you don't want to anymore. Otherwise, I will never train you again. Are you sure you can do that?" Lynn asked his son.

Belial looked at him thoughtfully, then nodded.

"You're not serious, Mamă, you can't train a baby," Ria complained.

"That, missy, is my decision. As a punishment, you will first run two laps around the forest, and woe betide you if you dare to fly even one foot."

Ria wanted to protest, but fell silent at Lynn's expression. She hadn't dared to use her wings, Lynn was more than proud of that.

His mate embraced him from behind. "You're too strict, Tsuka," Blain said, kissing him on the crown of his head.

"Maybe. Better, they learn early," he told Blain.

Blain didn't disagree, for he respected his beloved's decision.

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