Chapter 3 (with smut scene)

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One moment the demon was still standing still, the next the machete was swinging towards Aleks. Frightened, Aleks pulled up his arm, his other hand protectively on his stomach. The cutting edge hit the protective membrane that Aleks had created and then shattered, but Lynn followed suit. Aleks dodged, but the demon was quick. He couldn't process the situation.

"You don't have a blade If you can't defend yourself, I'm going to hurt you," Lynn said, aiming at Aleks' stomach. He turned out in panic, as Alas had shown him, because he didn't know if the armor would be able to withstand it. He unfolded his wings on the way to flee. But the demon grabbed one of his feet, causing him to crash on his back. He quickly pulled in the wings that only hindered him in this situation.

"No, we'll keep our feet on the ground," Lynn said with a cold look.

The machete followed suit and Aleks rolled to the side. I need a weapon, damn it. Panic spread through him as the demon attacked again.

When Belial's father finished with the weapon, they ran upstairs together. They had briefly exchanged ideas about the last few years, but both were rather the taciturn type.

"I'm glad you found your heart. He seems to have a good character, he suits you," his father said out of nowhere.

Belial was surprised. "Yes, he's the best thing that ever happened to me. Finally, I understand you and Mother better. It was worth every second I waited."

Blain nodded and they both went outside to check on their mates. Ria had left earlier. She looked at something with narrowed eyes.

When Belial realized what she was observing with such a critical eye, his heart almost stopped. Hell. He wanted to run, but his father stopped him. "Father, why is Mother attacking my mate?" he asked.

"Hold still, son, he isn't attacking him with full force, otherwise he would have already hit him," his father said calmly.

This didn't reassure Belial one bit, he was afraid for Aleks and his child. He saw Lynn pull Aleks' legs away and he crashed, his wings fluttering to the ground. It hurt Belial, he could hardly stand it. He wanted to intervene, but his father's hand closed tight around his upper arm. He saw it as if it was in slow motion. His mother's machete whizzed down towards Aleks. Panic was on his face.

Aleks froze time out of panic, but that wouldn't last long, the machete hovered over him and Lynn fought back. I need a weapon. Any. The only weapon he had was his sword. What's your name? he shouted inwardly. Above him the silver blade sparkled, behind it the blue sky. A soft whisper reached his ears. A whisper that grew louder and louder. Time passed, then Aleks opened his mouth and shouted, "Ciel!"

The sound of metal crashing on metal echoed loudly. But Lynn hadn't hit Aleks' metal armor, his blade had been intercepted by a silver sword in Aleks' left hand. Aleks gasped and pushed the demon back. With a fluid movement and a loud scream, he attacked the demon.

Aleks' whole attitude had changed. His eyes had begun to glow and he also had the impression that his skin was glowing. The attack came quickly and unexpectedly. Completely different from before. Blade crashed into blade and the two fought an intense battle.

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