Chapter 13

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Together, Belial and Aleks went to Elenoa. They walked through the dense forest, past large roots of trees and shrubs. They followed a path that only the locals could see. Belial and Aleks had their hands clasped, with Belial's thumb subconsciously caressing Aleks' hand.

Aleks couldn't help but smile and a warm feeling spread through his chest. He loved it when Belial touched him and was close to him. Since Aleks was pregnant, he needed this closeness all the more, not only him, but also their son.

Are you ok, Tsuka? If it's too strenuous, we can also take a break, his demon asked via their link.

Everything is fine, I feel good and the pace is ok. In addition, they had to move quickly, because Aleks wanted, no, needed answers and only the High Priestess could provide them.

After three hours, a staircase carved into the rock came, surrounded by a wooden railing. The struts of the railing each consisted of nine snakes and a human-like figure.

In front of them, a wooden shrine towered into the air. Each beam was decorated with detailed decorations, which must have been lovingly handcrafted. Slowly, they walked up the stairs until they stood in front of a thin wooden door depicting a large snake biting its own tail.

Aleks ran over the carving and felt every single scale under his fingers.

Elenoa pushed the sliding door aside and in front of them opened a picturesque building with numerous paintings, carvings and sculptures. Aleks was particularly fascinated by the numerous paintings of people with dark skin and black hair, but also of a person with white skin and blond hair sitting in front of a large snake.

He stood in front of the artwork and looked at it in silence. Fair skin and blond hair - these are my people.

"Who is this serpent?" he asked Elenoa.

She smiled and said, "This is Degei, our God and the Creator of the divine race that we are committed to protecting."

Aleks nodded and pulled away from the sight. The woman looked at him thoughtfully. "Please go to the reception room around the corner on the left, the first door. I'm going to get my grandmother."

Belial and Aleks followed Elenoa's instructions and entered the room she mentioned. They were greeted by a room with a red carpet on the floor and an altar with three statues – two fish and an eel swimming in a circle. Aleks looked spellbound at the three sculptures.

"They're the same as in the cave," Aleks said, looking at his mate.

He nodded. These details, as if both come from the same hand. He carefully ran his finger over the white fish, running his thumb along its spine.

"Dema Leka symbolizes the heavenly spheres that you carry within you, my son," an old, female voice sounded.

The two turned to the door and saw an elderly woman with long gray hair. She was a good two heads shorter than Belial and her face had deep wrinkles that testified to old age. She had braided her hair into ten braids, the ends of which were held together by colorful beads. These reminded Aleks of the snakes at the entrance.

But they weren't the only snake elements this woman wore. Her arms were covered with snake tattoos and the long, colorful chains also contained these elements. Her clothes were a colorful top and a matching sulu, which also depicted a blue snake.

Aleks instinctively lowered his head and bowed to the High Priestess. She slowly approached them and examined them with her already slightly cloudy eyes. Elenoa stood behind her and watched in silence.

The old woman put her hand to Aleks' cheek and began to speak: "What is your name, my son?"

"Aleksander Esai," he replied in a soft voice.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now