Chapter 5

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First week of the 6th month of pregnancy, three days after Aleks and Zack awoke from sleep after the creation of the first key...

Aleks snuggled up to his demon. His belly had already taken on a clear curve that he could no longer hide under a normal top. But that was to be expected with a sixth-month pregnancy.

Belial turned to his angel and gave him a kiss. "Good morning, Tsuka." Then he wandered downwards and pressed a kiss on Aleks' stomach. "Good morning, Tsuki."

Aleks laughed softly. Their child had already wrapped his mate around his finger.

His demon moved back up. "Hungry?" he asked with a smile.

Aleks nodded and moved his lips to Belial's neck, then took a bite.

He had developed small fangs a few weeks after meeting Shin – Richelle also called them proto-teeth. Completely unexpectedly, he had bitten Belial during sex and drank his blood. Aleks hadn't even noticed what he had done. Instinctively, he had licked Belial's neck and then nipped on him.

Richelle attributed it to their child's most likely demonic race. At first he had only drunk Belial two or three times a week, but now he drank daily. This act was very intimate and strengthened the connection they shared.

Aleks began to rub against him, and Belial could smell his mate's excitement. Hell, he's going to be my end. He drew his angel to his lips and kissed him tenderly. Just as he wandered down with his fingers, they heard a loud screech. A red-eyed raven sat outside their window and knocked on it.

"What?" Aleks began, but broke off. It was clear to him that it was a messenger from Nix. Cautiously, he stood up and opened the window to let the raven in. The raven hopped on Aleks' arm and stared at him.

"I hope I didn't bother, you lovebirds," Nix's voice rang out.

Belial stepped behind Aleks and hugged him. "You did," he grumbled.

"Well, there's nothing you can do. I will arrive at your place in half an hour. We have something important to discuss," Nix said. With these words, the raven began to flutter and flew out of the window. The oracle had not waited for an answer.

"Someday I'm going to twist this little douchebag's neck," his demon growled.

Heavens, Belial is in a really bad mood. Half an hour wasn't much time, but more than nothing. Especially since Zack and Lucan had announced themselves for later. The two got dressed and Aleks had breakfast. He ingested one of Richelle's incredibly disgusting nutrient potions and then made his way to the reception room. They made themselves comfortable on the sofa, with Aleks leaning against his demon.

Soon the door opened and the oracle entered. He sighed and sat as far away as he could.

"What's bringing you here?" Aleks asked kindly, even though he felt his demon's sinister gaze.

Nix tilted his head. "Don't be so grumpy, my sunny boy. But jokes aside, there is a good reason for my visit." He became serious. "The first key has been found and I will soon start the journey for the second one, but the third one worries me."

Aleks looked at the oracle uncertainly, and asked, "Why are you worried?"

Nix looked at Aleks. "Quite simply, little angel, the third key is lost and no one knows where it is, not even me. All I know is that certain events have to happen for us to know more about him. But for that you have to act."

Belial's face darkened.

"Hell, Shadow, I know you want to protect your pregnant mate, but there is no other option." This time, Nix turned his gaze to Aleks and said, "Aleksander, you need to know more about your origins. You have to explore your roots and follow them to your origin. When you get there, the whereabouts of the third key and the third container will be revealed."

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now