Chapter 22

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Aleks entered the cell and walked slowly to the wounded demon. His orange eyes followed his every move. Slowly, he got down on his knees in front of him. A growl escaped him and hatred spread to his face. Understandable, after all, Aleks was to blame for his situation.

"What do you want here?" he asked in a hoarse voice. "Do they want to mock me too? Wasn't the torture enough?"

The words striked Aleks deep in his heart. "I'm sorry," he said.

Zion looked at the angel and hissed. "Save your lies, you-" but he broke off. He remembered, Aleks couldn't lie. But all this didn't help him in his situation. He didn't know how much time had passed, but it changed him. They couldn't break me, and they won't. Soon they will kill me when they see that I am useless. But they hadn't killed him, and now the angel who had condemned him stood before him.

"I'm going to loosen the chains," Aleks said, and began to free him from the shackles.

"Go ahead, I don't have the strength to escape either way." Zion needed all his strength not to fall forward. Then he felt a hand on his chest and hissed.

"Hold still, I will heal your wounds and take away your pain," the angel said.

Zion just laughed bitterly. "And what do you want in return? You're not going to make me talk," the demon grumbled.

"That's not my intention."

A bright light shone from Aleks' hands and flowed over and into his body. He felt his wounds close and the pain fade.

Zion couldn't believe it. The angel helped him without expecting anything in return, because he knew that he spoke the truth. What are you planning, angel? Was this a trick, a trap? Did he want to gain his trust? Zion didn't know, and that irritated him.

When Aleks finished, he helped him move to the wall so he could lean against it. Quietly, he sat down opposite Zion, who was looking at him.

"What do you want, angel?" he asked him directly.

"Belphegor wanted me to make you talk, but that's not why I'm here," Aleks said.

He's way too honest. Why does he admit that he was sent here because of this? Zion just couldn't see through him.

Aleks looked at him sadly. A tear rolled down his cheek, shocking Zion. "I'm sorry. I didn't want you to have to suffer something like that. Nobody deserves that," he said in a sad voice that threw Zion off track. He is too innocent. He doesn't belong in this place.

Then Aleks looked at him. "Zion, why do you hate the princes of Hell so much?"

A personal question? No question about Telos or their plans? Zion raised an eyebrow. Should he answer him? Would this information be of any use to them? He decided to go for it. "I hate them because this outdated system causes a lot of suffering. It's time for Hell, no, the world, including the assholes in Heaven, to be reformed, for a new hierarchy to emerge," the demon said.

Aleks looked at him questioningly.

"It is time for Hell, the human world and Heaven to be united. The humans and angels have looked down on us long enough," Zion added.

"Do you hate humans and angels?" Aleks asked, trying to understand him.

"Yes, I hate them. I'm sure you can understand that, after all, you're an angel trapped here in Hell."

Aleks was silent at first. "You know, I lived as a human being until three years ago, didn't know what I was. Then I met Belial and woke up. So I'm an angel who used to be a human and now has a demon as a mate. I got the best of Heaven, the Human world, and Hell," he said with a smile. "I don't know what Heaven looks like, but whether it's in Hell or in the human world, there's always injustice and suffering," he added sadly.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now