Chapter 15

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"No!" Aleks shouted, tears streaming down his face. He clasped his stomach and buried his face against Belial's chest.

The illusion that had hidden his pregnancy disappeared for Sereph and Hope. Belial clasped his pregnant mate and stared at them in anger. Aleks' body trembled and Aleks sobbed incessantly. Not our son. No!

Belial felt numb. He stroked Aleks' back, tried to calm him down. Hope made a pitying face and Sereph turned his head to the side out of respect.

Such news was cruel. If Sereph imagined that Hope was pregnant by him and their son was a carrier, he would also be out of his mind. Because that meant that his life was in danger.

Hope looked at him and opened his beautiful eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to-," he began, but broke off.

"It's all right, Dhan. There is no point in glossing over the truth. He'll get through it," Sereph replied, stroking Hope's hair.

Gradually, Aleks calmed down. His eyes were red and swollen, and his face looked exhausted. You could see how bad the situation was for him. Belial didn't look any better. But the look on Aleks' face changed. He straightened his back and put on a fixed gaze, then stood up. He turned to Sereph and Hope.

"I will not allow anyone to do anything to my son. If anything happens to him, I will give this world the end it deserves," he said in a cold voice.

Everyone knew what these words meant, because Aleks couldn't lie. If something were to happen to the child, the end would be unavoidable, because as the prophecy said, time will decide.

Aleks looked at them with a serious look. "We know where the third key or a clue to it is. But for that I need Hope. Only the three of us carriers can find him," Aleks said calmly. "But first, Hope, why don't you look at me?"

Sereph and Hope enlightened the two, just as Aleks and Belial did. After a somewhat longer conversation, everyone was now up to date. The high priestess went to the two carriers and put her hand to their cheeks.

"Sons of the divine lineage, you will have a difficult path, but together you can do it. Never lose faith in yourselves and in each other, for you are our only hope. Now go, Degei is waiting for you."

With these words, they left after saying goodbye. They made their way directly to the cave. Hope moved his head nervously as the four of them shot across the water in the motorboat.

"Is everything alright?" Aleks asked kindly.

Hope was nervous and shook his head.

"Are you afraid?" the angel asked.

"It... it's just that, we have to dive to get into the cave, don't we?" Hope asked nervously.

"Dhan, it's all right, we can do it," his demon tried to reassure him, because he suspected what Hope was afraid of.

"I... I can't hear anything underwater, I'm completely disoriented. That's what I'm afraid of," Hope admitted.

Sereph's chest tightened painfully. He thinks of falling into the lake. At that time, Hope almost drowned if Sereph hadn't pulled him out.

"I fell into a lake a few days ago and almost drowned. It was... I was scared. I couldn't hear, I didn't feel anything, I didn't know where to go. Then I heard that voice," Hope said, clawing at the hem of his top.

But this was the first time Sereph had heard this. "Voice?" he asked his human.

Hope looked at him in surprise. "Didn't I tell you?" he asked.

"No, Dhan," he said, stroking his companion's cheek affectionately.

Hope looked down. "Just before I died, I wished I had my memories back so I wouldn't die as an empty shell. Then a voice sounded, asking me if this was my deepest wish. It offered to cure my blindness, but I have only one wish that it would grant me, only one. I chose the memories. Then you found me."

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now