Chapter 1

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In the middle of the 2nd month of pregnancy, nine months before Aleksander and Hope's meeting at the shrine...

Aleks was lying on the terrace with two pillows under his head and back. The sun was shining and he was looking up at the blue sky. After the news of his pregnancy, he had slowly calmed down. He ran a hand over his stomach, still incredulous that he was carrying Belial's child in his belly.

It had taken time to accept that he, too, could get pregnant as a man. But now he was more than happy about it, even if he was a little afraid. Despite his pregnancy, his coaches continued his training, only... differently. He wore protective clothing specially made for him around his stomach to protect him and his child.

Nevertheless, he had to learn to fly and also to defend himself if he found himself in the precarious situation of being attacked during his pregnancy. Demons were far more resilient than humans in this area. Aleks hoped that this was also true of him because of his angelic side.

Belial stroked his belly every night and talked to her child. Aleks couldn't help but smile every time, because he never thought he would develop such tender feelings for their unborn child. Even in bed, Belial was more restrained, considerate. Sometimes he was overcautious, but Aleks couldn't blame him.

He himself had just completed two hours of flight training with Nero. He was getting better and better and was close to making a vertical take-off. And yet he still held back, afraid to do too much, to endanger his child. I still think like a human. Aleks sighed. Could you blame him? He had lived as a human for twenty-five years. A few months in hell doesn't change much, even if he had already adapted.

Footsteps approached the angel, who was sunbathing on the terrace, and stopped briefly next to him. A shadow fell on Aleks' face and he opened his eyes. "This looks very comfortable," the deep voice of his demon sounded.

Aleks laughed. "Yes, but my demon is cozier than any pillow," he replied cheekily.

The corners of Belial's mouth twitched and he sat down with Aleks on the terrace floor. He pulled his angel into his arms, who snuggled up to him. He took a deep breath of his mate's scent – roses and rain at sunrise. He began to caress Aleks' white-blonde hair, as he often did.

"Will Zack and Lucan be able to find the key?" Aleks asked in a worried voice. Two days earlier, the two had left. Aleks prayed that they stay safe. He hated to put this burden on his brother, but he couldn't look for the keys in his condition. It was just too dangerous.

"They will, Tsuka. Zack is the most capable seeker and Lucan is an excellent warrior who will protect your brother," Belial replied, reassuring his angel a bit.

"Soon our family will get bigger," Aleks said, looking at his demon. "I wish my parents would get to know our child," he added with a sad undertone.

Belial stroked his arm reassuringly. Aleks' mother had died because of him and there was still no trace of his father. They only knew that he was an angel and what he looked like, but not his name.

"What about your parents?" Aleks asked. Belial hadn't told him much about his past until now. Aleks was curious. His demon made a strange expression on his face.

"If I'm not mistaken, they would still be living in the east of Astaroth's territory."

Before Belial could prevent it, Aleks had straightened up and turned to face him. "They're still alive?" Aleks asked, his eyes wide.

Belial looked at him confused. "Yes, if they haven't died in the last fifteen years – otherwise I would have noticed. Why?"

His mate punched him on the shoulder. "Why didn't you say that?" his angel asked excitedly.

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