Chapter 39

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The Alliance had gathered in a huge hall, in the middle of which a large magic circle was burned into the ground. Every prince of Hell and his deputy were ready. They had completed the preparations.

Jaden was standing next to Sereph, who was looking down tensely. "It's all right. Hope is strong, he's going to make it," he tried to reassure his best friend.

A loud voice sounded. "Princes, here is a messenger from Telos," a visibly upset angel said.

Immediately there was a clear tension in the air. A messenger from Telos. A visibly battered demon stepped forward, staggering towards the wall. When he got there, his whole body began to tremble. Blood began to run from his eyes and mouth, then he just exploded. It simply tore his body into thousands of pieces and the blood splashed against the wall.

The demons and angels looked at the wall in shock. The blood began to run along it and filled into an area. It then began to flicker. Everyone knew what it was – it was a kind of transmission, but for it a living being had to die in the cruelest way.

A picture began to form and it made everyone's blood freeze in their veins. You could see Hope sitting on the floor with his eyes closed, no movement. His face was bruised and dried blood was stuck under his nose and other places. A hand was buried in his hair that held him there so that he wouldn't fall over. The image grew larger, and the person holding Hope became visible. A startled gasp went through the crowd – Jaden. Jaden couldn't believe it when he saw himself.

"Hello Princes, hello Sereph. We have found your treasure. It wasn't easy, but in the end we were victorious," the fake Jaden said in his voice.

Everyone looked at Jaden, who didn't move.

"He's a copy, wrong," they heard a low voice, it was Hope's.

"Shut up," an angry voice rang out, and a foot kicked Hope's head, causing him to fly over and lie down. The wrong guy looked up again, while Hope was pulled away. "Be that as it may, he's not our only guest," he said with a vicious grin.

The picture became larger again and it became visible to Aleks and Sai, who were sitting in the magic circle. Aleks slammed his glowing fist against the barrier and despair stood on his face.

"Time to start the show," the demon said.

A scream rang out and they saw Sai being torn from Aleks' arms by the Enenra demons. He resisted and clung to his son, but he had no chance. Sai screamed and cried, Aleks slammed against the barrier that held him to a corner of the circle. He did everything and shouted, "Sai!! Give him back to me! No!" Hope was placed in the third cell in the magic circle, lying there motionless.

Then several veiled figures stepped around the circle and sang an incantation, whereupon Hope's cell began to glow. Lines of light stretched across his skin and he opened his eyes and began to scream horribly. He screamed for two minutes, rearing up until they interrupted.

The fake Jaden leaned forward and the image focused on him. "This is just the beginning. Enjoy your last hours, we will enjoy their screams." With these words, the picture shattered.

No one said a word. Everyone looked at Belial and Sereph, and what they saw there frightened even the last one. They had expected their inner demons to erupt, to spiral out of control, but they didn't. They wore a look on their faces colder than anything that had ever seen the light of day. They had death in their eyes, cold and dark.

They both shared a thought. We will find them, but they will never know the grace of death.

Aleks was desperately stuck in the circle, but no matter what he did, he couldn't get out. Tears ran down his face when he heard Hope's horrible screams. These ended after an eternity and he collapsed. Why? He couldn't comprehend it. They sat in this empty hall with nothing but bare walls, no window, nothing. Please save us, he prayed.

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