Chapter 16

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Hope was horrified that Aleks didn't move. What's with him? Why did he freeze? Hope heard another head coming to attack. He pulled Aleks aside, but he was completely stiff and did not move. Damn. Instinctively, he grabbed the sword in Aleks' hand and repelled the next attack.

He was moving before, why not now? That's when it came to him. Ever since that voice spoke, he froze. It had something to do with the head, which looked different from the other nine. If Hope destroyed it, perhaps the spell Aleks was under would be loosened. He had to try. Hope took a deep breath and ran towards the monster.

Aleks watched everything, desperately trapped in his body. Move, damn it! But nothing happened. His anger increased to infinity and he felt the magic rushing through his body.

Hope dodged numerous attacks, jumped on one of the necks and ran upwards.

"Give up, worthless creature. Surrender to my spell," the human head rumbled, but Hope didn't listen. With a powerful leap, he pushed off and decapitated the monster. The snakeheads began to screech and beat wildly. Hope was thrown off and slammed the ground.

The moment Aleks regained control, he surged forward. Anger burned in his body – hot and blazing. His fist began to glow and he put that anger into that blow. When the fist hit the snake body, the magic exploded and the giant critter was thrown back and slammed into the wall, where it remained motionless. Breathing heavily, Aleks walked over to Hope, who was lying on the ground.

"Is everything alright?" he gasped, holding out to his cousin's hand.

He gratefully grabbed his hand and replied, "I don't think anything is broken. Ouch." A stabbing pain ran through his ribs.

They looked at the passage through which they had come and saw their demons there desperately beating against it.

"Ah, no wonder they didn't help us," Aleks said sarcastically.

"You catch one of the most powerful demons in hell, then he's useless. You have to do everything yourself," Hope quipped, which seemed to reassure their mates.

"It's time for a juicy massage afterwards," Aleks added with folded arms and Hope nodded in agreement.

"How can they make jokes in such a situation? He's driving me crazy," Sereph said to the other demon, uncomprehending. They could hear their mates clearly, even if it didn't work the other way around.

Belial smiled. "Then you should prepare yourself, this is just the beginning. The two are cousins, it must run in the family with them. They come into your life, turn it upside down and before you know it, you're at their feet and would do anything for them. There's nothing left of the proud warrior everyone fears," Belial replied. "Wait until Hope gets pregnant, my friend."

"Hell, I hope this happens hundreds of years from now. I've already aged decades in the last few months from this whirlwind," Sereph said.

Belial laughed. "Decades? Aleks has already cost me centuries. And my son twice as much, but he's not even born yet."

And yet they both knew that they loved their hearts more than anything and would never give them up.

Aleks and Hope turned around and walked to the pond. The three creatures swam incessantly in circles without stopping. It's like in my dream. But this time the whispers of the fish were not indistinct. They heard the words clearly in their heads. Three voices were talking, complementing each other again and again, in her head.

The sons are here, they have come to liberate our God. Finally, it took long enough. But are we allowed to let them in? Should we ask him? He says yes. Then let them through. Don't rush, we're not the youngest anymore. Come on, let's go.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now