Chapter 4

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First week of the 3rd month of pregnancy...

Two weeks later, Aleks noticed the uproar that reigned in the estate. The hustle and bustle made him nervous, so he decided to go outside for a walk. He enjoyed being in the fresh air, it calmed him down and drove away the nausea.

He walked through the forest adjacent to the property and enjoyed the peace and quiet. After the forest there was a large meadow with numerous flowers and shrubs. Numerous stones protruded from the earth like small mountains. Aleks lay down on one of these stones and enjoyed the peace and quiet. With circular movements, he stroked his stomach and began to talk to his child.

"You don't like hustle and bustle either, do you? It's quiet and peaceful out here. I love flowers and I'm sure you'll love them too. We're going to go to this meadow together and play." With a smile, he closed his eyes and relaxed.

Nero walked through the entrance hall to the terrace and looked around nervously. An employee looked at him questioningly. "Are you looking for something?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm looking for the kirash."

Recently, there had been sightings on their grounds, which worried Nero. A scout had just delivered the news that Byakko demons had invaded their territory.

"The kirash went for a walk."

Nero turned pale. Hell. "Alone?" he asked.

The clerk nodded.

Damn. With quick steps, he searched for the others so that they immediately went in search of Aleks. "Hell no," cursed the otherwise calm demon.

The wind was blowing around Aleks' nose, then he heard a faint crack. He opened his eyes and looked in the direction where the crack had come from. Two black eyes stared at him, and these belonged to a large white tiger staring at him. He hadn't heard it coming, only the cracking had betrayed him. Aleks lay there, frozen with fear.

The tiger stared at him, not moving. He had a white fur with black stripes, but was larger than those in the human world. When he opened his mouth, he saw two rows of pointed teeth, from which a transparent liquid dripped.

Aleks doubted that it was saliva. What shall I do? The only way to escape was a vertical takeoff, but he wouldn't get that far. Around the tiger's neck hung a large metal ring that had eaten into its fur, leaving behind a crust of blood.

Immediately, Alek's compassion became overwhelming. This creature must be in pain. "Let me help you," Aleks said, straightening up.

The Byakko demon approached and looked at him, he carefully held out his hand to the demon.

"I want to help you, to take off your collar and heal your wound. Will you let me?" he asked.

Another growl sounded and four more tigers stepped behind them, their mouths open. Everyone wore these metal rings.

Aleks summoned his sword Ciel and paused. "I'm going to cut this collar," he said calmly. He leaned forward and suddenly felt a hot breath on the back of his neck. Aleks didn't even have to turn around to know that one of the tigers was standing behind him, ready to bite his neck. Carefully, he placed the blade under the metal ring and the blade lit up brightly. With a jerky movement, he used his magic to cut the ring, which fell to the ground.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now