Chapter 33 (with smut scene)

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Belial was in the meeting room with Astaroth, who was holding Sai in his arms, when he suddenly heard a voice in his head. Bel. For a moment he thought it was just imagination, but the warmth that spread inside him wasn't imagination.

He took Sai from the perplexed Astaroth and ran out of the room without saying a word. Astaroth and Lyric didn't know what was going on, so they followed Belial. He had almost reached his bedchamber. When Belial put his hand on the door to open it, they heard a loud rumble from the room. The door opened, revealing an angel lying on the floor, completely twisted.

A blond head rose and looked at them, then a crooked smile formed on his face. "I-I wanted to get up, but my feet just gave way," Aleks' embarrassed voice sounded.

Tears ran down Belial's cheek and he got down on his knees to pull his mate into his arms. "Thank the gods, you finally woke up," his demon sobbed.

Aleks tapped Belial's arm and squeezed out, "Bel, I can't breathe." Immediately, the embrace loosened up a bit, but he wouldn't let go. Belial's soothing smell rose to his nose and Aleks began to relax. A whine between them made Aleks look down in bewilderment. Two blue eyes and a black head looked at him.

What? Is that... "Sai?" asked Aleks.

Belial pulled back a little and nodded.

"That can't be. Sai, why is he so tall and his hair? I-," Aleks said, but broke off. Slowly, he put his hand on his own neck, felt his own hair. He had kept his hair short before, but now it was already on his shoulders.

Belial looked at his mate. How was he supposed to break it to him gently? "Tsuka, you were seriously injured, you barely survived. After that, you fell into a deep sleep."

Aleks looked at him and he saw the fear in his eyes. "How long?" he asked in a trembling voice.

"Almost a year."

"A year?" I've lost a year of my life?

"Mom," a croaking voice rang out, and Aleks looked at the toddler Belial was holding. Sai had called him Mom.

Tears welled up in Aleks' eyes and ran down his cheeks. "That's not true. What have I missed?" he sobbed and took his son, pressed him to his chest. He had missed a year of his son's childhood. That's not fair.

Belial stroked his mate's back reassuringly. "Aleks, I think we should talk, alone," he said, and his angel nodded. Carefully, he took Sai out of his mate's arms, even though he was reluctant to let him go. Then he handed him over to Astaroth, who was greeted by a laugh.

Astaroth and Lyric left the two alone. After all this time, finally good news again. At last.

Lovingly, Belial lifted his angel from the ground, careful not to hurt his wings, and laid him on the bed.

Aleks pulled the wings in with a jerk and looked at him with a sad face.

Belial had immediately noticed that Aleks' eyes had changed, they now wore a mercury ring around the iris.

"What did I miss?" Aleks asked dejectedly.

Belial had to sort itself out first. "With Sai, you haven't missed much, because his growth seems to be a mixture of that of the Deva and that of the demons. He continued to grow for about three months after you started sleeping, but then it slowed down to the pace of a baby demon. He can crawl and babble individual words, but he only speaks clearly the words Mom and Taro, which probably stands for Astaroth."

I missed his first words. Sadness spread through Aleks' chest. His demon lovingly pulled him to his chest and Aleks hugged him.

"I'm so glad you're back with me," Belial whispered. The time had been awful. If Astaroth and the others hadn't kept him on his toes, he might have gone mad. His heart had been silent, unreachable, even though said heart had been in front of him. Belial lovingly drew Aleks' lips to his lips, who closed his eyes with relish and surrendered to his demon.

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