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What if Max and Lucas kissed in episode 6 of season 4.


Max lowered the binoculars from her eyes as Steve jumped into Lovers' Lake and Lucas was confused, wondering why girls like looking at chest hair but Max only did it to annoy him. Dustin thought it was all awkward, and so left them to go for a mini walk. Lucas thought now would be a good time to explain his feelings for Max and she couldn't run away this time as there was nowhere to go.

"Max?" Lucas called. She turns her head around to face him, seeing him with a nervous expression written on his face.

"Yeah?" She asked, wanting to know more.

"We need to talk." He said, turning his expression into a serious one.

"Well we are talking right now, but fine." She responded as they both went to a nearby rock and stood by it.

"I've been meaning to tell you something. I-" He started but was cut short by the sound of rustling leaves and flashlights shining through the woods.

"Shit." Max curses as she looks through the woods seeing the cops and then turns to Lucas and places one arm around his neck and lets the other rest on his chest. Lucas' eyes widened at the sudden motions, not expecting this.

"Just trust me." She whispers before bringing him in for a deep kiss, and he puts one hand on her hip and his other hand on her cheek, returning the kiss. Lucas has to admit that he has missed the feeling of kissing her and how right it felt as their lips moved in sync with one another's. He leans her against the rock and moves the hand that he had on her hip to her back and roamed her body around with it.

They were interrupted when the police came up to them and started questioning them.

"What are you kids doing here?" Powell asked. Callahan being behind him.

"I'm pretty sure you can guess what we're doing here." Max answered back coldly, motioning with her hands, of how close her and Lucas were together. Lucas was not listening to a word being said, as his thoughts were revolving around Max and Max only. He was brought back to reality when Callahan urged him to go to the police car, where him and Max met Dustin, who explained that he was caught by the cops while he was just looking around.

They went back to the Wheelers' house and encountered all of the parents excluding Max's. Max suspected her mother was drunk or asleep, not even knowing she was gone. She immediately went over to the couch and sat down on one end of the couch, just wanting to replay music in her head and get away from all the police and the parents bombarding them with questions. Lucas sat next to Max and Dustin sat on the other side of the sofa, awaiting Powell to bore them with his questions.

"So what exactly were you all doing at the lake?" He asked them. They all looked at each other, before Max responded.

"We were just going for a walk and then for a swim."

"It didn't look like it to me." Callahan retorted. "Seeing how his hands." Pointing at Lucas." Were all over you." Pointing at Max next." And he was leaning you over that rock, kissing pretty rough."

Lucas didn't dare to look at his parents, knowing they would be in complete and utter shock, not imagining in their wildest dreams, that he would be doing something like that.

"Lucas!" Sue responded, in disbelief.

"We were just kissing." Max explained.

"You do know, the boy you were 'kissing' is wanted, regarding a satanic cult, right?" Powell asked, doing air quotes with his fingers.

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