Stolen Memories

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Superman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #6 – Stolen Memories

A lone truck drives down a winding road out in the middle of the desert. It arrives at communications site where many members of LexCorp are busy getting their apparatus set up. Amongst the employees are Lois and Jimmy, who only know that Luthor is meeting with someone important. With Helen and Jake sneaking around the area to get the two to meet up with them.

"Jimmy. Lois. Over here." Jake quietly calls out to them.

Clever disguises by the way...

"So far, so good. There must be something big going around this area."

"The question is, what kind?" Helen questions herself. "Superman told Jake and me to have a look around while he'll see this...thing for himself."

"Then Luthor wants something to do with it." Lois said to answer another question for everyone else to look at her. "Its because Luthor sees something to getting it, by any means."

Makes perfect sense there, even for Jimmy to be seeing Helen again besides working to have their relationship slowly growing.

"I feel like I'm in a sci-fi type of alien movie." Jimmy tries to play it cool. "So, think this type of alien could be friendly? Except for Superman's fine to me."

"I hope you're right, Jimmy, people are themselves who do good more than other life form."

"Even E.T.?" asked Jake.

Close, but this alien was different from the rest for the people at LexCorp to learn all about it right away.

"Ah, no Jake...I think this one could be way different than E.T." she said. "But nice try for once."

"Thanks..." Jake got a bit upset. "Hey! What does that mean?"

Soon a helicopter comes down for the other four to see Luthor arriving.

"Alright, people, get ready for another story because here 'he' comes now."

"Luthor." both Jake and Helen said to seeing the man again.

While the reporters ponder over who it is that Luthor is meeting, he arrives, and a few seconds later a spaceship appears in the sky. Luthor approaches and is greeted by a hologram of the robot form of Brainiac. Not him again! Anyways, Jimmy gets some photo shots on his camera right away.

"Jimmy, the camera." Lois reminds her friend.

"Oh, right!" he gets to it.

"Jimmy, stay close to us." Helen worries about it.

Ah, how sweet...

"I won't be going anywhere after this, Helen, but thanks for worrying about me."

Those two are meant for each other. So Brainiac has arrived to Earth now, huh? I got a very bad feeling about this one. As a show of good faith, Luthor gives Brainiac a disk containing basic information about Earth and is allowed onto the ship.

"Helen..." Jake had to say something to his sister. "I would love to see other life-form and all, but this one...I really feel something dangerous for this so call alien."

Helen was also getting a strange glow from her arm to tell her about something as a sign of warning.

"(My arm...What's it doing?)" Helen was lost to see where Jake was getting at. "You know, Jake, I think you're on to something about this robot type of alien. Wait until Superman sees this. (I just hope it won't attack us first.)"

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