Heavy Metal

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Superman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #30 – Heavy Metal

As Helen Star was working hard and making a life – working at the Daily Planet, saving the world with her powers she has gotten use to, finding out more about her mother, taking care of her brother Jake, having friends to hang out with from high school, aiding Clark at work and other parts while he's Superman, and going out with Jimmy a lot to become a cute couple for them being in love and Jake was happy to see his sister was more of an outgoing person.

"(Seeing my sister like this changed her a lot...from love, friends, an honor to have when having superpowers, and myself to help Helen, it's been something else since we team up with Clark, who's Superman. Life is good on other things so far. I'm just glad she's following the rules for us to stay together with Dan's help and Superman as our friend and guardian. Life's something else...other than saving lives and stopping bad guys in between our school and work lives. Speaking of friends, I wonder how Irons' doing since we last saw him?)"

Good question there, Jake, because speaking of that man...John Henry Irons carefully removes a steel helmet from a furnace and cools it in a bucket of water. He then adds the helmet to a full suit of powered armor. His niece Natasha 'who Jake hangs out with' inquires if he's ready to use the suit to be a hero, but he claims that he still needs to do more testing.

"You're gonna be home on time for dinner tonight?" she asks her uncle.

"What are we having?" Irons asks his niece.

"Pork chops and bean curd in a cilantro sauce."

Not much of Irons' favorites at all.


This makes Natasha laugh.

"Hey, you're the one who bought grandma a California cuisine cookbook." said Natasha.

"Maybe I should be building myself a cast-iron stomach." he makes a joke there.

A news report comes on and talks about the appearance of a super strong villain that has been robbing various banks in the area and this thief supposedly has ties to Intergang.

"Daily Planet Media news reporter Angela Chen has just located a witness to today's multi-million-dollar diamond district robbery. We go to her now live; Angela?"

Once the reporter said that, the screen cuts to Angela next to try asking about her coffee.

"This is nonfat decaf, right? I don't wanna be up half the night again." she tells her crew members.

Then the cameraman gets Angela's attention.

"Angela. You're on." he whispers.

"Uh, yes." Angela clears throat and throws coffee away. "Angela Chen here."

Elsewhere, a bank is being robbed by three masked men. One of them displays incredible strength by tearing the safe open with his bare hands. An alarm is sounded, and the police come to foil the robbery. However, the strong member of the gang manages to make short work of the police. For Helen and Clark seeing this on TV as well, they looked at each other to know what they have to do after work.


"I know, Clark, Jake and I will find you to get this robber as soon as possible." she was all set when the time comes. "Just leave it to us to back you up."

Back near his lab, Irons tests an arm-mounted laser and sees that it works. The chase goes past him and he decides to intervene. As Helen and Jake arrive from their special car at the scene in time.

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