Monkey Fun

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Superman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #22 – Monkey Fun

Twenty years ago, Lois and Lucy Lane would play with a young chimp by the name of Titano. They also played with a stuffed monkey called 'Beppo' that would play the song 'Pop Goes the Weasel' when squeezed. Unfortunately, this was not to last. Titano was taken by members of the military and sent out into space.

"Lois, it's time." said the father of Lucy and Lois.

For Lucy thinks it was going to be fine, but not to Lois to lose a friend like Titano.

"No! No, I won't let you take him!"

Why would they put monkeys...or rather apes into space in the first place?

"But, Lois, you knew one day Titano would have to leave us." he said. "He has to go on his mission now."

"But can't you send Lucy into space instead?" Lois asked.

It was sweet for the young Lucy to ask to go.

"I'll go!"

In spite of all reassurances, Lois was upset that something would go wrong. Her fears were realized as the rocket was lost in space. In the present, Superman is out in space and ready to destroy a meteor storm heading towards a space station. While back in the labs of Hamilton's for him, Jake, and Helen were on standby from the computer to keep contact with Superman.

"Large meteors headed to the space station." he said. "I'm going in."

For the others to see that on the big screen.

"Happy hunting." said Hamilton.

"I got you on track, Superman, you're good to go." said Jake. "I'll keep you posted."

"Said the ten-year-old boy with a high IQ, what luck." Helen added. "The sooner we help out the people, the less trouble will there be in space for a while."

For Jake was good at this stuff at least.

"You said it, Helen."

Superman punches one of the meteors which unexpectedly causes a chain reaction that causes all of them to start to explode. A strange blue aura surrounds all of the meteors, but Superman doesn't seem to notice. What he does notice, however, is a ship lodged into a large meteor. He flies to it and frees Titano's capsule, who is still alive inside.

"Superman to Stars, Helen, and Jake, the cleanup has been dealt with and I'm bringing home a little surprise."

With Superman saying that, through the camera for everyone to see Titano was still alive today and hasn't age in the past twenty years somehow. Weird...

"A monkey?" surprised Helen.

Jake laughs at his sister.

"Oh come on, Helen! It's a chimpanzee, not even close of calling it a monkey. They're type of apes." Helen hits Jake on the head. "Ouch!"

"Shut up! I know, okay? (The real question is this, why was this chimp brought to space on his own...?)"

Titano is returned to Earth but is unresponsive to everyone. Professor Hamilton mentions to Clark Kent that Titano is twice as heavy now as when they launched him but no explanation is apparent, just as how he is possibly still alive after so long.

"Surprising to look upset and still himself to be...a bit heavier than he was before." Hamilton explained.

"Sure looks like a it for a ape like him." Jimmy was taking some pictures. "He's kind of cute, isn't he, Helen?" he rethinks on what he accidentally said there. "In a animal cute kind of way...! You're twice as cute to me!"

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