Double Dose

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Superman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #19 – Double Dose

It was a nice day for Jake to look up about his and Helen's mother Lisa Star from the cancer issue from her hospital records to find...surprisingly some of the things she left out to be from Lisa to leave for her two children.

"Helen! Helen, come here! I found something!"

Helen rushes to her little brother's side.

"Got anything Mom left out?" she asked to see some type of paper left out. "To us from her? It's a note, a half ripped up one."

"I wonder why? The label said to Mom, from you and me. Next is says, something...about a black that was tore off and the rest saying... 'If one of you are suffering my fate, please be strong to live a good life and love each other as brother and sister. The way I loved you even from my mistakes and reason why I had to put you two in a foster home to stay close. Though I'm gone, my spirit will always be there and love you both forever. Helen and Jake, be good to one another. Signed, Lisa Star'. And that's it."

With one more thing left on the ground for Helen to pick up.

"And the rest is some type of map of the entire Metropolis city. Maybe they'll lead us to the clues on finding the last part of Mom's letter. Learning the truth by playing a game isn't what we wanted to do." said Helen.

True, but it was their only lead left.

"Then we can tell and show this to Clark to help us as himself and as Superman. Maybe Jimmy and Lois can lend us a hand." he said to notice one part from the letter. "Hey, Helen, what did Mom meant about suffering her fate for one of us?"

That was hard to believe to not die young or so soon to her guess maybe.

"Something about her cancer or not letting us suffer alone...I don't know. (I hope it has nothing to do with the cancer thing for me to get it next. And not from my arm...)"

With Helen over thinking things to seeing her arm, it was best to just keep the last part to herself from Jake 'for the time being'.

"In any case, we better show this to Clark right away." said Jake. "Let's go."

With them leaving the hospital, it was a few more leads to learn more about Lisa Star's fate besides their past, Helen's Kryptonian father, and Jake's father who's Lex Luthor.

"Yeah, you're right." she said. "We have a lot more to do to finding more about our past somehow. (And soon enough.)"

Not bad to finding some parts about their mother, right? Keep it up, Jake and Helen. Elsewhere, things are peaceful at a S.T.A.R. Labs Prison, but a foolish janitor ignores the rules forbidding electronic devices around Livewire's cell, and sneaks in a Walkman.

"Psst!" she hears it to get the janitor his attention. "Hey, Mr. Clean!...Yow, Rap Master Danny?..." Livewire calls out to him. "HEY, STUPID!"

The Janitor takes his headphones off.

"Huh?" he sees Livewire.

"I love a man who knows his limitations..."

Livewire tricks him into letting her take the Walkman and absorbs the power from the batteries. Even this small amount of electricity is enough to rekindle her powers. She escapes from her cell and enters into the building's electric systems, steals an electric-powered cart, and escapes. For Clark to hear about this to call up Helen and Jake and let them know what just happened.

"Jake? Helen? It's me Clark. In case you two haven't heard the news yet, our old friend Livewire just broke out of prison." he said.

For them to remember that villain, it wasn't good news at all.

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