Knight Time

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Superman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #35 – Knight Time

Roxy Rocket flies through Metropolis on her personal rocket, closely pursued by Superman, Helen, and Jake 'using his beam-like bubble to fly around in it'.

"Roxy Rocket?" Jake was surprised to see one of Batman's villains causing trouble in their area. "What's a stunt of a crazy woman like her doing in Metropolis?"

"Who knows and who cares!" Helen tries using her heat vision to stop the machine. "All we have to do is to stop her together and then get our answers next! Slow down, lady!" she kept on firing. "If you keep this up, others will get hurt you'll fly right into!"

I don't think Roxy's listen to reason.

"Oops, low bridge!"

She dives under a tunnel, only to find Superman at the other end. She takes the risk of flying right at him, but he manages to snatch her off the rocket, which Helen kicks aside as it crashes harmlessly in the bay.

"Criminal caught." said Superman.

"Machine destroyed." and Helen.

"And people are unharmed." same with Jake.

Superman is amazed that even Roxy would be daring enough to make trouble in Metropolis, but she shrugs and informs him that Batman has gone missing and Gotham City is now overrun with crooks. Say what now?

"Back up." Superman stops Roxy for saying anything else. "What do you mean, Batman's missing?"

Jake and Helen were shock to hear that part as well to both be saying it.

"He's missing?!"

"I thought you'd know." Roxy tells the three. "Don't all you spandex boys and little children have club meetings or something?"

Not really but Jake to be fine talking to Bruce Wayne/Batman from time to time to like him and Helen Star a lot. Superman and Batman...they're cool to team up when needed.

"We're not exactly friends."

"But Helen and I are with Batman and his girlfriend Megan Tsuki." Jake said to the female villain. "Isn't that right, Helen?"

"Yeah! What he said!" she buts in. "Batman's odd around Superman, but they're good when they stop the bad guys. As for Megan, I respect her cool attitude and all."

Hearing Superman say about not being too much of a friend to Batman, she makes another one of her moves on Superman next.

"Aw. I'll be your friend."

But Helen pushes Roxy away from her friend.

"No!" said Helen. "He's already taken."

Allowing for Superman to fly her back to Gotham's Black Stone Gate prison next.

"Sorry, little girl. you're going home." he carries Roxy away. "Jake. Helen. Follow me, because we're flying to Gotham City next to see what has happened to Batman."

"Good thinking. Maybe Megan might know about this." Jake tries tracking her down. "Follow the wand of mine once Roxy's behind bars first."

At least that part is already taken care of once they arrived. Out in Gotham, a couple of criminals rob a store of its jewelry on the belief that the police are too busy to come and Batman won't show. However, they failed to reckon with Robin.

"You forgot about some back up from him."

He easily foils the robbery, only to find the robbers had reinforcements, but before they can shoot him, Superman shows up and subdues the crooks. Megan soon arrives to shock the two crooks and then handcuffs them.

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