In Brightest Day...

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Superman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #41 – In Brightest Day...

Helen Star and Jimmy Olsen happily admiring the artwork of Jimmy's friend, Kyle Rayner, who works in the art design department for the Daily Planet.

"Wow, nice artwork! (And I thought Jake could top this in his art class.)" she said. "Are you seeing Kyle's work, Jimmy? It's amazing!"

"Not as amazing as you are...Though, yes! They are good." Jimmy said to be blushing on what he said to make Helen laugh. "How do you come up with this stuff, Kyle?"

Kyle sees them liking his work...Well, for some people that is.

"You two are my only fans to like each other and liking my work."

"What do you mean?" Jimmy asks Kyle.

He shows Jimmy and Helen the paper on something else to be bad news.

"Read them and weep." he said. "I did."

Kyle is discouraged by the fact that the comic book companies have rejected his art submissions.

"My photos been rejected a lot by Perry from time to time."

"Hey!" this made Helen a little upset. "They can't do that to you, Kyle! You have so much you can do with them knowing about, on called for! You just need to keep on trying. I am to aid Superman like my brother Jake, and Jimmy to take good photo shots."

Kyle sees Helen's point to look at Jimmy next.

"Maybe you're on to something, Helen." he said.

"And this is why I love her so much." While the pair talk, a thug runs up and tries to steal Jimmy's camera. "Hey!"

Helen flies on after the man.

"(Really, loser? Bad move.) Stop, thief!"

Kyle foils the robbery, apprehends the thief, and return's Jimmy's camera, which Jimmy promptly uses to take a triumphant picture of Kyle. From stopping the man and fighting back, this guy was good.

"Lots of football moves I learned in college." he said to giving Jimmy his camera back.

Helen deals with the man to take the thief to the hospital and then in jail next.

"Not bad, Kyle. (This guy gots some moves.)" said Helen.

Even Jimmy takes pictures of his friend stopping the thief.

"Score one on page one." he then asks Helen something else. "Listen, Helen, I was wondering...since we're both done with high school soon...if its alright for me to move in with you? I promise to pay rent and help around the place."

A nice thought for Jimmy to do with Helen once they both finish with high school, and what about Jake? Well, Helen thought about something.

"Taking our relationship to the next level a little, huh?" she teases her boyfriend. "Well...There is a spare room next door for Mr. Max to move out soon for Jake to live in, so maybe...If we work something out for all three of us to make it happen."

That sounds like a plan to do next.

"Great!" Jimmy calms down a little to be too excited. "I mean, sure. We'll work something else."

Cute, huh? For those two and how Kyle's cool in combat and drawing a lot. Unfortunately, Kyle's bad luck continues as Daily Planet editor-in-chief Perry White rejects the picture, along with Jimmy's suggestion that Kyle be named a hero in the newspaper.

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