Girl's Night Out

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Superman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #37 – Girls Night Out

(Tayla: Here's a little special one to be on here instead from The New Batman Adventures aka 'Batman: The Animated Series season 4', for this episode features – Helen, Megan, Supergirl, Batgirl, a little from Batman and Jake to have Superman mention a little, Bullock, Penguin, Livewire, Harley, Ivy, and the two hyenas. So, enjoy this girls night out fun of super heroes vs. the villains of them.)

A prison truck from Metropolis is entering Gotham City. The prisoner is Livewire, on her way to experimental treatments at GothCorp that may succeed in returning her to normal. Really? A criminal like her to go from Metropolis to Gotham? However, the truck drives past a recent road accident, where a power cable has fallen to the ground. The truck passes close enough to let Livewire absorb its power and escape.

"And the fun keeps on coming! I'm free!" she said to make a break for it.

On the streets, Megan and Batgirl are driving the Batmobile, searching the city for Livewire.

"Anything, Barbara?" Megan asked.

"I got nothing since she escaped about an hour ago, Megan." she said. "And you?"

"I can't even hack through any parts on my computer book to get anything from this Livewire character. This villain's something else who can control lighting... (Thanks for the heads up, Clark.)"

Seems like Megan, Batman, and Batgirl were informed about Superman's enemy to break free to cause trouble in Gotham City. And from Livewire's skills, Megan was unable to hack into anything to track the villain down.

"We're still on standby, Bruce."

For Barbara to say that, Bruce/Batman was out for the time being to leave the rest up to the girls for tonight.

"I'll try to get back about three to four hours, you two be careful out there." he said. "Megan, you can do this with Barbara. I'll try to get you two some back up just in case." Over the radio, Batman tells the two girls that he'll be back in Gotham in two days, and will try to get her some backup in the meantime.

"Please do, Bruce." Megan places her hand on the computer screen like Batman was to sign out when they were done. "We'll take care of this mess."

"Later, Bruce." she hangs. "It's just you and me tonight, Megan, or until someone else helps us out later. But knowing a villain like Livewire, she should be heading back to Metropolis right about now."

Batgirl isn't worried, assuming Livewire is already heading back to Metropolis...until she spots Livewire skimming along some power cables.

"(That must be Livewire.) You were saying, Barbara?" Megan questions her friend.

"Never mind."

Livewire spots Batgirl and Megan and immediately lands on the Batmobile's hood, sending a current through the body that shocks Batgirl.

"Hi. I'm Livewire." said the villain. "We didn't introduce ourselves from a costume wearing girl, and a woman bounty hunter. So let just cut to the chase and spark things up with you two."

She started electrocute Megan and Batgirl with no way out! In Metropolis, Kara Kent and Helen Star were house-sitting for Clark Kent while he himself is out of town. As for Jake Star, he was on a school field trip to alert his sister of the danger ahead to watch out for.

"Other than staying with your group, better behave there without me." she tells Jake. "Do as your teacher tells you, stay close to your friends, and bring me something back at Washington for me like you promised."

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