#2 Deal

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"Jun don't you have your own apartment, why are you in mine?" Mingyu walks into the living room of his apartment where Jun is laying on his couch, without asking.

"Rude. I'm here for a reason."

Mingyu plops down next to Jun. "What reason?"

Jun turns to Mingyu and eagerly grabs his arms.


"I need you to help me get Kwan back."

Mingyu blinks in confusion and crosses his arms. "How can I help you with that? And why would I?"

"Because you love me. And because once I am back with Kwan, I will stop bothering you." Jun caresses Mingyu's cheeks and laughs at his face.

Mingyu pushes him off and thinks for a second. "Okay deal. But how can I help? I don't even know him?"

"He's going to be working at the bar and coffee shop starting tomorrow, you are there like every day. Become his friend and figure out who he likes and put in a good word for me."

"Wait, he likes someone?" Mingyu pushes Jun off again and stands up.

"I think he does, but I can't figure out who. But that doesn't mean I don't have a chance. Please Mingyu? No one else will help me."

"Fine, I will become his friend for you, but if he likes someone else I'm out. I'm not meddling in some kids' love life."

"He's not a kid, he's like 1 year younger than you. You two will get along great!"

Mingyu plops back down and pushes Jun far away from him. "I thought you were into like edgy men who are bigger than you...not innocent and cute b-"

Jun starts laughing and slaps Mingyu's arm. "Oh no, don't be fooled by his fluffy sweaters. He is cute but he is not innocent, and trust me he can pull off many looks. You will see, this is why you're the only one I can ask, because you won't fall for him."

"What do you mean? You make it sound like it's happened before?"

"When I was originally interested in Kwan, I asked Wonwoo to help me because they are close. But he was upset that I liked Kwan and tried to keep Kwan away from me. I know he likes him, I can feel it."

"Wonwoo??" Even Wonwoo likes this Seungkwan? He must really be something if Jun is scared of people falling for him. "Okay, well I guess I will help you."

Jun jumps up and hugs Mingyu. "Thank youuuu."

"Now leave, I would like some sleep." Mingyu pushes Jun out the door and proceeds to his interrupted sleep.


"Why am I doing this again?" Mingyu walks into the coffee shop next to the bar and is happily greeted by the owner.

"Mingyu! Why are you here so early?" A long-haired man gives Mingyu a side hug and walks in with him.

"Morning, Jeonghan. I need caffeine and I need to find someone." Mingyu looks around but he doesn't see Seungkwan, just Wonwoo, organizing the library.

"You looking for Cheollie? He's not here, still sleeping." Jeonghan walks around the coffee bar and starts making Mingyu's regular latte.

Wonwoo walks over and sits across from Mingyu.

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