#22 Warmth

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Vernon answers the door quickly when he hears knocking and lets Jeonghan and Seungcheol in.

Seungcheol immediately goes to Seungkwan's room and opens the door slowly. He pauses in the doorway, he wasn't expecting to see Seungkwan curled up in Mingyu's arms. He knows they're very close, but he's never really seen them hug, and knows Mingyu isn't really the clingy type. So, seeing Mingyu holding him like that comes as a surprise to him.

Jeonghan opens the door all the way and gasps quietly.

Vernon pulls them out of the room and shuts the door. He brings them to the living room and they all sit down. "Don't wake them yet, this is the first time Kwannie is sleeping."

"Why is Mingyu with him?" Seungcheol asks with a slightly irritated tone.

"He's helping Kwannie sleep."

"Helping him sleep? You said he was sleeping fine yesterday."

"Yeah...because Mingyu was with him. I told you yesterday, Mingyu broke the door and got him to speak, eat and even sleep. And Kwannie doesn't look terrified when someone goes near him now. Why do you sound upset?"

Jeonghan awkwardly laughs a little. "I think after Wonwoo, Cheollie is just a little wary of anyone getting close to Kwannie."

"Yeah, but it's Mingyu. You know you don't have to be wary of him, he loves Kw-He really cares about Kwannie. And Kwannie obviously needs him, he could've seriously been in danger if he just kept sitting in the shower yesterday and continued to not eat or drink." Vernon knows it's not a good time to bring up the fact that he thinks Mingyu is madly in love with Seungkwan so he leaves that part out.

"You're right." Seungcheol sighs. "I'm glad he has Mingyu as a friend."

"A friend...yeah."


Mingyu hears people talking and wakes up from the noise. Cheol? Han? Oh right...they came to talk to Kwan today.

He looks down at Seungkwan and squeezes him tighter while kissing his forehead. He's hot! He puts his hand on Seungkwan's forehead and can tell he's running a slight fever. He must be sick from the cold water yesterday.

He starts to pull his arms out from under Seungkwan, which wakes him up. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" He sits up and hovers over Seungkwan, staring down at him.

Seungkwan looks up at him and just blinks.

"How do you feel? I think you have a fever."

"M..my throat..hurts."

"I think you got sick because of yesterday, I can go get you medicine." Mingyu starts to move but Seungkwan grabs his arm and stops him.

"What's wrong?"

Seungkwan pulls him down slightly and Mingyu is flustered from only being a few inches above his face. "I don't need medicine."


He pulls Mingyu all the way down and hugs him tight. He doesn't want the warmth to leave him, he doesn't want Mingyu to go away. Whenever he's here, his thoughts aren't as dark because he can focus on how warm he is. 

Mingyu slides out of his arms and sits up. He pulls Seungkwan up slowly and slides him into his lap.

"What are you doing?"

"Your head will hurt if you lay down for too long." He wraps Seungkwan's legs around his waist and puts his head on his shoulder. He can tell this is secretly his favorite way to be held and it's also his favorite way to hold him.

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