#5 Overtime

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"Mingyu?" Seungcheol watches as Mingyu drags his feet to the couch by the bar and plops down next to Jeonghan who is talking to Joshua. "This is your fourth time here this week. What's with the sudden visits?" He sits in the chair opposite of Mingyu and passes him a coke.

"I was just in the area; thought I'd stop by to see my friends. What's the big deal?" He sighs and sips the soda while looking around the bar, like he's looking for someone.

Jeonghan laughs and hits his arm. "The big deal is that this is unusual for you. We usually only get to see you like once a week unless you go to the cafe in the morning. But lately you come multiple times a day, looking depressed. Now you're just sitting here and spacing out again."

Mingyu ignores Seungcheol and Jeonghan and looks down with disappointment when he doesn't see the person he's looking for. "Is Seungkwan working tonight?"

"Hmm?" Seungcheol tilts his head and raises an eyebrow. This is the third time that Mingyu has asked for Seungkwan this week alone. Jeonghan told him that he's been doing the same thing in the cafe every morning as well. "Kwannie? Why do you keep asking for him? Do you guys have a problem or something?"

"What?" Mingyu looks up and notices all eyes are on him. "No! I just miss-...I mean I just wanted to hang out with him. I haven't seen him since last week."

"Last week? I thought you hadn't seen him since my birthday party last month. Have you two been hanging out?"

"Yeah, a few times. But it's been a while, you know he's always busy." He looks around the bar again, hoping to see Seungkwan appear.

Jeonghan laughs again and points at the door behind the bar. "I didn't know you two would be such good friends, I should've introduced you sooner. He's in the back, working."

Mingyu instantly stands up and has a wide smile on his face. "Really?!"

"Yeah..." Seungcheol stands up and walks in front of Mingyu, blocking his way to the bar. "You aren't still trying to get Jun back on his good side, are you?"

"No, Hyung. I already told Jun that he can deal with his own relationship problems."

Seungcheol sighs and steps to the side. "Fine, go see your best friend then. But his shift doesn't end until midnight, so don't distract him too much."

Mingyu rolls his eyes and looks back at the three who are now all sitting on the couch. "You're making your little brother do all the work while you hang out over here, relaxing?" He shakes his head and walks towards the back room.

"What's his deal?" Seungcheol folds his arms and pouts. "He doesn't even hang out with us much, and all he talks about is Seungkwan lately."

"Aww are you jealous?" Jeonghan kisses his cheek and teases him.

"I'm not jealous."

"Mhmm...I'm glad they're friends, they both seemed down lately. Maybe a new friend is what they both need."


Mingyu walks quietly through the door behind the bar, leading to the back kitchen. He sees Seungkwan washing dishes while dancing with headphones on. Cute. "Boo Seungkwan!" He walks towards Seungkwan, but it looks like he can't hear Mingyu. "Seungkwannnnahhh." He can't hear me? A smirk grows on his face as he walks towards him slowly. He creeps up and grabs Seungkwan's waist. "Boo!"

Seungkwan drops the cups he's washing and turns around too quickly, making him slip on the water below him from the sink.

He quickly bends over and wraps his arms around Seungkwan's waist before he hits the ground. He holds him tight and blushes at how close their faces are now.

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