#11 Thank You

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"Does Seungkwan have class today?" Minghao asks while making breakfast for him and Vernon.

"Yeah, but since he's sick, he's probably not going. He was already asleep when I got home too, I'm surprised he hasn't woken up yet."

"Maybe you should wake him just in case."

"Yeah, you're right." Vernon walks over to Seungkwan's room and knocks. He hears no response so he opens the door and stands there in shock.

Minghao notices his frozen friend and walks over. "What's wrong-oh wow."

This time Mingyu is on top of Seungkwan and wrapped around him while Seungkwan is hugging his head.

Minghao starts laughing. "Who sleeps like that? They must be really hot. Look at Mingyu smiling in his sleep like a freak!" He has to look away to stop laughing.

The longer Vernon stares, the more confused he gets. It's not abnormal for Seungkwan to hug someone when he sleeps, but it is abnormal for someone to be holding him like that. "Interesting." He shuts the door then joins Minghao in the kitchen again.

"I didn't know that Seungkwan had a new boyfriend?"

Vernon starts laughing. "He doesn't...exactly, they aren't together."

Minghao turns to him and raises his eyebrows. "They look pretty close to me."

"Mingyu is straight and Kwan is seeing someone else."

Minghao sits down and hands Vernon a plate and they both start to eat. "Straight? They aren't a thing? That's not really adding up. And if Kwan is seeing someone else, then why is he sleeping with some hot guy like that? If I was dating Seungkwan, I would be jealous"

"Why isn't it adding up?"

"I mean don't get me wrong, you can be straight and hug your guy friends or sleep in the same bed, nothing wrong with that. But that...that isn't just a hug." He laughs while slurping noodles. "They are cuddling. Also, I saw the way he was looking at Seungkwan yesterday, that's why I assumed they're dating."

"Hmm...But he's straight."

"He could've lied? Or maybe Seungkwan is the first guy he's into."

Vernon shushes Minghao when he hears movement in Seungkwan's room. "Shh..." He continues while whispering. "I did think that he seemed to like Seungkwan a lot...and he's really nice to him. But I assumed it was a little brother thing."

"It could be...but I would bet money that it's not."

"If that's the case, then I feel bad for him, because Kwan is seeing someone else."

"Really? I didn't know that either, you guys never tell me anything." Minghao rolls his eyes and finishes up his breakfast.

"Well it's kinda a secret, Kwan wont tell me who it is, I just know that he really likes him. I thought it was one of his other friends, Wonwoo, who you don't know. Because I know that Kwan used to have a big crush on him, but he said it's not him. Whoever it is though, I don't like him, he always makes him cry and he sounds like a jerk."

Minghao sighs loudly and shakes his head. "Seungkwan always goes for the worst people. We should help him."

Vernon stands and puts his bowl in the sink. "Help him? How?"

"You said Mingyu is really nice to him, and I think he likes Seungkwan. So, let's push them together."

Vernon is surprised, Minghao never likes to meddle in other people's business. "What? No...we shouldn't...right?"

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