#8 I Missed You

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"Kwannie, are you ready to go?" 

Seungkwan looks up from the bar and sees Wonwoo smiling at him. He wishes that smile didn't make butterflies appear in his stomach. But it does, it always does. "Yeah, let me just lock up." He walks to the back and grabs his belongings while hesitating to go back out. Okay Seungkwan...You have to do it today. You have to talk to him...no more keeping it in. He takes a deep breath and walks back out, over to Wonwoo. "Let's go."

Wonwoo takes his hand while he locks the door. "No Jun, Seungcheol or Mingyu today? Usually, you make me wait in the parking lot for you because they're always following you around."

"Hm? Oh...no. Just me today." He sighs and gets into the car with Wonwoo.

"Hey, is something wrong, Kwannie?" He grabs Seungkwan's hand and smiles at him.

There you go again...always so sweet...always. As long as we're alone, you treat me like I'm the only other person in the world...

"You seem a little down, what happened?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired."

Wonwoo lets go of his hand and starts to drive. "You probably don't wanna hang out tonight. Do you wanna come over tomorrow instead then?"

'Hangout'. Why? We can't just watch a movie...or eat something...or just cuddle...I can only come over if we 'hangout'? 'Hanging out' is all I'm good for to you...? Seungkwan doesn't reply and gets lost in his thoughts.

"Are you sure that you're really really tired?" Wonwoo grabs Seungkwan's thigh and rubs it while pulling up to a red light. He leans over to Seungkwan and grabs his neck with one hand. "I miss you though. You haven't stayed over in two weeks." He pulls Seungkwan into a kiss and moves his hand further up his thigh. "Common, Kwannie. I can be extra gentle, since you're so tired."

Seungkwan wants to pull away, but his body doesn't react the way his mind wants. Dammit, just resist it...resist. I need to talk to you not kiss- Seungkwan's thoughts are interrupted by Wonwoo's tongue entering his mouth. He gives in and wraps his arms around Wonwoo's neck.

Wonwoo smirks when he feels Seungkwan kissing back, he knows he's won him over now. Wonwoo moves his hand from Seungkwan's neck down to his waist, and slides it under his shirt. He completely forgets that he's at a red light.

Seungkwan places his hand on Wonwoo's now-growing bulge and starts palming him.

"F...fuck!" Wonwoo stops the kiss and bites his lip while Seungkwan presses harder. He rushes back to Seungkwan's lips but quickly stops when he hears a car horn. "Shit. I forgot where we are." He awkwardly laughs and continues driving.

Seungkwan just stares out the window with a dark expression that Wonwoo can't see. Idiot. I fall for it every time...Why can't I just tell you that I want to stop this...I want to stop getting hurt by you. Why can't I tell you that I want more...I need more...Every time you say you love me and kiss me or touch me it gives me hope that you will hold my hand too or hug me or go on a date with me...but you never do. I'm just a toy to you, and I let you use me every time. I'm such a fool...such an idiot...

Wonwoo speeds up, he wants to finish where they left off as soon as possible.

"Finally." He jumps out of the car and opens Seungkwan's door, before looking around, to make sure no one sees them. "I don't see Jihoon or Joshua, common." He grabs Seungkwan's hand and practically drags him up to his apartment. He pushes the door open and pulls Seungkwan in, and immediately pulls him into his bedroom.

"Uh....Wonwoo, I-"

"Wonwoo? What happened to Wonu?" He smiles and pushes Seungkwan onto the bed.

"W..Wonu, I th-"

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