#34 Panic Attack

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***Trigger Warning***

"What's wrong Kwannie?" Vernon takes Seungkwan's bowl since he's obviously not going to eat it.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you haven't touched your food and I heard you crying last night...again. What happened?"

"Oh, you heard wrong, don't worry."

"Kwa-" Vernon is cut off by someone walking through the front door.

"Kwanah!" Mingyu runs over to Seungkwan and wraps his arms around him.

Vernon watches Seungkwan's expression and can see he's upset.

"Are you ready?"

"Mhmm." Seungkwan smiles and grabs his bag. "Bye, Non."


Seungkwan walks to Mingyu's car while holding his hand and smiling.

"You look a little tired, did you not sleep well?"

"I slept fine." He lets go of his hand and gets into the passenger seat.

Hmm... "The shoot is a little far today, you can sleep."

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive-"

"No!" Mingyu starts laughing awkwardly. "I like driving. A lot. You sleep."

Seungkwan listens because he really is tired, he lays his head on the door as Mingyu drives off.


After the shoot, Mingyu has to go somewhere with his parents. Seungkwan decides to go to the cafe for a little bit and hang out with Jeonghan.

"Are you going home? It's getting late, Kwannie."

"Yeah, I'm tired." He laughs and throws away his empty coffee cup.

"Want me to drive you?"

"No, I'm good." He runs out the door while waving at Jeonghan.

He walks towards the bus and gets an idea. I bet Gyu will be tired, maybe I could surprise him somehow!

He takes the bus to Mingyu's apartment and walks up to his door with the bags of a few snacks he bought along the way.

I've been so down lately, I should be doing more for Gyu. He smiles and opens the door, thinking he's not home yet. Hmm? Why are all the lights on? Is he home already?

The bathroom door opens and the last person he expected to be here, walks out of the bathroom in a robe.


Mingyu walks out of the bathroom in a towel, straight to Danah and starts kissing her until he hears Seungkwan drop his bag. He looks up and sees Seungkwan, already in tears, backing up while Danah starts laughing.


"You-" He looks back between Mingyu and Danah, who is still smiling while holding onto Mingyu's waist.

Mingyu pushes her off and walks towards him. "Kwanah, it's not what you think-"

"Mingi, don't lie to him anymore." Danah kisses Mingyu again. "It's exactly what you think."

"I...I..really thought that you loved...me-" He starts running to the door.


He runs out before Mingyu can follow. He runs to the road again, where he always runs, and looks up. It's always raining.

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