#32 Engaged

382 21 28


*Trigger Warning*

I love you...I love you...I love you...Why can't I stop saying this? Mingyu smiles as he looks at Seungkwan while he sleeps, laying on his chest.

Everything happened so fast for Mingyu and now it's finally sinking in that he's with Seungkwan. He pets his head softly, so he doesn't wake him. Kwanah, I hope you know how much I love you.

Mingyu feels Seungkwan squeeze his waist and start to move. "Kwanah? Are you awake?"

Seungkwan's eyes are still shut but he nods his head.

Mingyu laughs and sits up, making him open his eyes instantly.

"Leaving?" He groans in his raspy morning voice, thinking Mingyu is getting up.

"No, just sitting up." He sits up and leans against his headboard.

Seungkwan scoots to his lap and hugs his thigh while looking up at him.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Stop calling me that..." Seungkwan blushes and hides his face under the blanket.

"Why?" He pouts and pulls the blanket down. "I told you I wouldn't lie to you. It's a good morning and you're beautiful."

"But you're prettier-"

Mingyu cuts him off and pets his head. "No. This isn't a competition. I know I'm pretty, but you're beautiful."

Seungkwan laughs and Mingyu melts inside, his laugh makes him feel warm inside. 

"Your laugh is better than caffeine in the morning. Just hearing it makes my day brighter."

Seungkwan gets shy and hides again. "You're so cheesy."

"Only for you...How do you feel?"

He looks back up and smiles. "I feel amazing...but tired. I don't want to get up."

"You don't have to, we can stay here all day if you want, I don't mind."

Seungkwan sighs and sits up now, facing him. "I have a class today though."

"Aww but I don't want you to leave."

"I don't want too either." Seungkwan pouts.

"Can't you skip one day? For me?"

"Skip...I-I...I can't..."

Mingyu reaches out to pet his head, but he flinches and closes his eyes.

"Kwanah?" Why is he...scared?

Seungkwan opens his eyes and Mingyu can tell he feels bad. "I..I'm sorry...I can stay...I won't go...I'm sorry. Don't be mad p...please."

"Kwanah, it's okay." He pulls him into his arms and kisses his head. "I'm not making you stay, I'm not mad, I promise. You can go to your class."

"No, it's okay, I'll just stay-"

Mingyu lets go and gets out of the bed. "I forgot I have to visit my parents today anyways, come on, I'll drive you to your class."

"You're really not mad?"

"No, never." He walks up to the bed and hugs Seungkwan again. I know he trusts me...but he's still scared I'm going to hurt him...I feel like he's getting scared even more now. I need to be careful with what I say...

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