#15 Misunderstandings

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"Beautiful Kwannnn-"

"You need to wake up."

Mingyu sits on the bed and pokes Seungkwan's cheek to wake him up. "You've been asleep for twelve hours; you need to eat or at least show me you're alive."

Seungkwan groans and opens his eyes while sitting up slowly.

"Kwan-ah-" He can see sweat dripping down his face and he looks sick. He feels Seungkwan's forehead which is pretty warm. "Are you sick?"

Seungkwan shakes his head and stands up. "Sorry, I slept so long."

"It's okay, you could've slept more, but you need food. You have a fever now too; come on, soup will help."

Mingyu helps Seungkwan walk to the kitchen table and slides him a bowl of soup and some water. "How do you feel? Any pain?"

Seungkwan shakes his head while sipping the water.

"I'm going to shower real quick, eat all of this."

Mingyu makes sure that he starts eating before he walks into the bathroom.

He hops into the steaming water and decompresses. He didn't realize just how much he was stressing over Seungkwan until he let his muscles relax in the water. He gets lost in his thoughts for a while before getting out of the shower. He gets dressed and goes back into the kitchen to eat with Seungkwan.

"Kwan?" Seungkwan isn't there and neither is the soup, he looks around and finds the bowl, wrapped up in the fridge with barely a bite missing. He sighs and walks back into his bedroom, assuming that's where Seungkwan is. "Kwan-"

Seungkwan is lying in the same spot he wase in before, with the blanket pulled over his head.

Mingyu pulls the blanket down and sees Seungkwan staring at nothing. "Kwan, why didn't you eat?"

"I did, thank you...for the soup."

"You took one bite-"

"I'm not hungry."


"I just want to sleep more, is that okay?"

Mingyu pets the back of his head and pulls the blanket back up to his chin. "Of course, you can sleep. But you need to eat at some point too-"

"Hyung, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

Seungkwan doesn't say anything and just shuts his eyes.

Mingyu lays down next to him and rubs his cheek as he sees a tear fall out of his eye. "Can you tell me what happened? I know you're not sleeping."

Seungkwan opens his eyes and feels comforted seeing Mingyu in front of him. He grabs Mingyu's waist and pulls himself into his chest.

Mingyu hugs him tight and kisses his head. "It's okay, Kwan-ah."

Seungkwan has never felt so warm or loved, like he could break in Mingyu's arms and still be safe. "I went to see him."


"I went to see him last night, but he...when I walked in...he was sleeping with someone else."

"What?!" Mingyu tries to sit up but Seungkwan won't let him go. "He was sleeping with someone else?"

"Yes. Some guy that I don't know, he looked so happy to be with him. They definitely knew each other well too, it wasn't his first time."

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