#29 Hoodie

330 23 17

*Trigger Warning*

"Why do you have to go to the cafe anyways? Is he going to be there?"

"Probably. And Hannie said the espresso machine broke again and Wonwoo couldn't fix it for some reason."

Mingyu sighs while pulling into the cafe parking lot. "If he even looks at you, I will cut his-"

Seungkwan grabs Mingyu's face and kisses him, which Mingyu returns by pulling him closer.

"Can you two stop eating each other?"

Mingyu glares at Jun in the back seat and goes back to kissing Seungkwan.

Jun gasps loudly and points at the front of the car. "Oh! Cheollie!"

Both pull away quickly and Seungkwan hides by ducking his head down.


Jun shrugs and starts laughing.

"Yah!" Seungkwan yells and gets out of the car. "Bye, Gyu! Thank you for the ride." He turns to Jun and looks him up and down before shutting the door and walking away.

He pulls his hoodie up and walks into the cafe.

"Kwannie!" Jeonghan runs to him and gives him a hug. "Sorry to call you again, but it wont turn on. "

Seungkwan walks to the coffee bar and starts working immediately, ignoring Wonwoo who is stocking books on the library side of the cafe.

He looks at the machine and notices it's just unplugged. I see... He plugs it again and makes sure that everything is working. He feels a hand on his shoulder and isn't surprised to look behind him and see Wonwoo.

He stands up and sighs. "What do you want? You could've just called, you don't have to go through all of this to get me to come."

"I did call, you didn't answer me. All you do is just ignore me now." Wonwoo looks around, the cafe is empty and Jeonghan is in the back so it's just the two of them. "We always get interrupted when talking. I want to talk, for real. Alone. " He grabs Seungkwan's waist and smiles at him. "I won't do anything. Can we just talk? I see you and everyone almost every day, it feels weird to just ignore each other. I want to fix this."

"You really want to fix it?"

Jeonghan pulls Wonwoo off. "Wonwoo? Seriously?"

Seungkwan pushes him off and walks towards the exit.

"I just want to talk to him." Wonwoo goes to the door and grabs Seungkwan's arm. "Come on." He pulls him out of the cafe, to his car.


"Just talking, I swear."

Should I believe him...? Mingyu would be mad if he knew I was talking to him...what if he misunderstands? But I have to end this. Somehow. Or maybe he really does just want to settle things and not be awkward around each other since I see him so much. Seungkwan gets into his car and they stay silent the whole ride.

"Why here? Can't we talk in a cafe or something?"

"I said I wanted to talk alone."

Seungkwan sighs and follows Wonwoo up.

They walk into his apartment and Wonwoo sits on the couch, tapping the space next to him for Seungkwan.

"We can talk like this." Seungkwan sits in a chair across from him and pulls his legs up to hug them. He doesn't like being here anymore. All he can think about all the times he's cried or been hurt in here. The second he walked in, he felt unsafe and regretted it.

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