#19 Second Chances

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*Trigger Warning*

Mingyu walks into the bar and frantically looks around for Seungkwan.


Mingyu turns to the bartender and greets him.

"I'm so glad you're here, he won't stop drinking. He won't tell me what happened either. He just keeps laughing and saying weird things."

"Where is he?"

The bartender points at a table in the corner where Seungkwan is and Mingyu quickly runs over.


Seungkwan is lying on the table with a bottle of Soju still in his hands. Mingyu takes the bottle out of his hand and moves all the alcohol out of reach. "Hey, can you sit up?"

Seungkwan opens his eyes and laughs when he sees Mingyu.

MIngyu pulls him up and grabs his face. "Why is your lip bleeding? And your face, why is it swollen? Who hit you?"

Seungkwan shuts his eyes again and falls into Mingyu's arms.

"He drank a lot, Mingyu. You should take him home and let him sleep it off. Anything he says will just be nonsense."

Mingyu pickles Seungkwan up and the bartender opens the door for him to leave. He puts Seungkwan in his passenger seat and buckles him in. "You don't feel sick right?"


Mingyu sighs. He must actually be sleeping. Wait...Chan said he was seeing his boyfriend this morning. I have to stop this, I can't let him stay with this lunatic anymore. If he won't leave him, I'll have to tell Seungcheol.

Mingyu drives off to his own apartment since it's closer and carries him up. When he walks in, Seungkwan opens his eyes and jumps out of his arms.


He starts laughing and grabs Mingyu's face.


His laugh turns into a sad expression as he turns around and walks to the living room. Mingyu tries to bring him to his room, but Seungkwan walks to the couch instead and lays down.

"You want to sleep here?"

Seungkwan nods and Mingyu sits down by him and covers him with a blanket.

"I want to be alone."

"Hmm? You want to be alone...?"

Seungkwan nods and hugs the pillow in front of him.

"Oh...okay...goodnight." He leaves Seungkwan's side and lays down in his own bed, alone.


Mingyu sleeps soundly until his phone alarm makes him jolt awake. Kwan. He gets up and quickly heads to the living room. "Kwan?"

He isn't on the couch or anywhere in the living room.


"In here."

Mingyu hears his voice from the kitchen. He runs in and Seungkwan is sitting at the bar, drinking coffee.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine. How did I end up coming here? Did I call you or something?"

"No...That bartender hyung did." Mingyu sits beside him and starts pouring his own coffee.


"It's okay, I told him to call me when that happens. I also told you to call me if you felt like drinking that much. Why didn't you call?"

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