#41 Soulmate

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 *3 Weeks later*

"I don't want to." The "to" is dragged out into a raspy whine.

"Come on, we'll miss the flight." 

"What if I just cancel it?"


Mingyu pulls Seungkwan back into his arms and pretends to cry.

Normally he wouldn't act like a baby and cry in front of Seungkwan. But, the last four weeks have been pure bliss for him and going back seems like the end of the world.

At first it was a little rough to break down some of Seungkwan's walls he'd been putting up over the last few months. But day after day, he became brighter and let Mingyu in. He's finally starting to seem like the sassy but kind Seungkwan full of life that he met over a year ago that drunkenly kissed him as a start to their friendship.

After the second week, Mingyu had convinced him, with a lot of begging, to let them stay another week. And Seungkwan ended up caving in, now they've been here for almost a month just like Mingyu wanted.

They went out most days, but stayed in on a few rainy days to just relax in each other's warmth. After the fourth day there, Seungkwan gave Mingyu his phone and asked him to turn it off and keep it for him.

Mingyu would be lying if he said he didn't go through and wipe any negative thing he could find off his instagram or text message log. Or that he didn't mute Wonwoo who kept calling and texting, asking if he was okay. He felt a little bad for that, since it seemed like Wonwoo actually cared. But he cares more about Seungkwan and wants to eliminate as much negativity as he possibly can. He might've also gone through his entire gallery hoping to find a cute new picture of Seungkwan to put as his own phone's wallpaper. But he was disappointed to find that the only picture he'd taken over the last year was one of the ocean and one of Vernon and Minghao sleeping. He scrolled further back but only found pictures of his friends and just a few with himself in it. So, to balance it out, he might've snapped a few shirtless pictures of himself and made them Seungkwan's wallpaper and filled his gallery up with at least a hundred photos of himself and Japan.

But overall, Seungkwan was happy and so was Mingyu. Every day was just about him and Mingyu.

They went hiking a few times, took a "tea tour" around the countryside, they visited every good restaurant they ran into, visited the hot spring almost every few days, and even did normal things like going to the movies, visiting art museums and shopping.

How could Mingyu want to go back to the real world?

He has to find a way to keep Seungkwan safe from everyone, but he's too scared that everything will go downhill the second they leave.

"What are you thinking, Gyu?"


Mingyu didn't even realize he'd been lost in thoughts this whole time while Seungkwan gazed at him.

"I..I was just thinking about you."



"You can tell me."

Mingyu sits up and cups Seungkwan's face. "You're always beautiful, you know that. But I don't want to see this side of you diminish again. I'm scared that you'll fade away from me again when we get back...I..I feel so anxious just thinking about it...what if-"

"Gyu. I'm sorry." Seungkwan pulls his hands off his face and looks down as Mingyu words weigh on him. "I'm sorry that I changed so much...I know you fell in love with me in the beginning and now I'm a different person. But I'm trying to find myself again. I don't want you to be scared because of me. I can do it. I might not be the exact same bright Seungkwan as before, but I know if I work hard, I can become good again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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