#27 Denial

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Why did I agree to this? I should be keeping my distance from him, and now he's, my boss? I'm definitely setting myself up to fall for him harder. Seungkwan waits outside his apartment for Mingyu to pick him up since it's his first day of work...with him.

He sees Mingyu's car pull up and starts to get nervous. 

Mingyu waits for Seungkwan to get in, but he just stands there waiting for him to come out. "Hmm? Does he want me to come out?" Mingyu gets out the car and walks towards him. 

"Good morning!" Seungkwan says energetically.

"Well, it is now that you're here, beautiful." Mingyu kisses him on the cheek and gives him a quick hug before walking him to the car. "Why are you just waiting here?"

Seungkwan steals his car keys and opens the passenger door. "I'm working so I will drive you."

"What? No, that's okay, I don't expect you to drive-"

Seungkwan pushes him into the passenger side and runs over to the driver's side.

"Kwan-ah, you don't have to dr-"

He looks at the steering wheel and looks around at everything. "Umm...okay...so that's the turn signal...where is the-" He starts pushing random buttons to see what they will do. 

"Kwan? You do know how to drive right?"

"Yes, obviously I know how to drive." He speaks harshly since he's frustrated at how high tech the car is. "I had a car, remember? But mine was manual...and old...very old."

"I can drive, it's-"

"Shhh...just give me a second to figure out your fancy car. Ugh...and why are you so damn tall?"

Mingyu laughs, Seungkwan looks adorable when he's confused or flustered.

"Ugh...stupid seat." He struggles to move the seat, so Mingyu leans over to help him. 

He puts one hand on Seungkwan's waist and slides his hand between Seungkwan's legs and pulls the lever to move the seat while looking him in the eyes. 

Seungkwan's eyes widen as he holds his breath while turning red. The slight smirk on Mingyu's lips is making him want to kiss him, but he holds himself back. 

Mingyu pulls the seat forward until his face is too close for comfort and Seungkwan looks away. 

"Better now?" He slowly slides his hand down Seungkwan's waist, to his hips and sits back in his seat.

"B..bett...er. Thanks."

Seungkwan fixes the mirrors to his height and finally drives off.

"You look nervous-"

"I'm not...it's just been a year since I've driven-"

"A year?!" Mingyu looks scared now and tightens his seat belt.

"Yeah I haven't driven since I met you...because my car was broke, then it died and I had to sell it for parts."

"A year..." I can't believe it's been a year since I met him. Mingyu gulps nervously as Seungkwan drives.

"Um...okay, so I just have to tap this-ahhh why is that car going so fast, oh my god."

Mingyu puts his hand on Seungkwan's thigh and gently rubs it. "It's okay...just drive slowly, I'm in no rush...to die."

He thinks he's calming me down but now I can't fucking focus on the road. "Your hand...r..remove your hand..n..now."

Is he blushing? Mingyu takes his hand off while laughing a little. "Sorry...just focus on driving so we don't die."

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