#4 Movie

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After a while Mingyu arrives at Seungkwan's place that Seungcheol had texted him the address to. Mingyu looks at Seungkwan, but he's still asleep. "Seungkwan, we're here." He gently wakes him.

Seungkwan looks up and it takes him a minute to realize where he is. "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. Thank you for the ride Mingyu."

"Are you sure that you're, okay?" Mingyu can sense that it's not just him feeling sick. He's definitely upset about something.

"Yes, I am fine."

"Seungcheol Hyung asked me to make sure you eat something. He said you can't cook at all." Mingyu smiles and gets out of the car, walking over to the other side to let Seungkwan out. "Come on, I will cook you something."

"What? No, that's okay, really." Seungkwan gets out and flinches at how close Mingyu is to him when he stands up.

"Why? You don't think I can cook or something?" Mingyu pouts slightly.

"No, I just...you don't need to go through all this trouble because of Seungcheol." Seungkwan looks away and holds an awkward smile.

"Seungkwan, we're friends now, remember?" Mingyu grabs his hand and takes him into the apartment building. "Where is your apartment?"

"Uh...sixth floor, 678."

Mingyu smiles as they take the elevator up to the sixth floor. "What do you like to eat?"

"I'm not super picky. Cook whatever you'd like...But didn't you say you had to work tonight?"

"I did, but my plans were canceled. I'm all yours tonight." He smiles and exits the elevator, following Seungkwan to his door.

Seungkwan unlocks the door and lets Mingyu in first. They walk in and Mingyu looks around for a second. It was a small, normal apartment, pretty clean and neat. He walks into the kitchen where Seungkwan is and opens the fridge. To his surprise, there is just a bunch of drinks and some random fruits. "Uh...Seungkwan. Where is your food?"

Seungkwan looks in the fridge then back at Mingyu with a confused expression. "You're looking at it, and there is stuff in the freezer too."

Mingyu opens the freezer with high expectations, only to find a bunch of popsicles and ice. "What do you even eat?" Mingyu turns to look at Seungkwan.

"I mostly eat out. I can only really cook ramen and Vernon can't cook at all; he would burn down the apartment." Seungkwan opens one of his cabinets and uncovers an entire shelf of ramen.

Mingyu sighs and takes out three packs of ramen. "I guess this will do."

Seungkwan hands Mingyu a pot and cooking utensils. "Thanks, Mingyu."

"Why do you keep calling me Mingyu and acting all formal. We're friends, you can relax a little."

"You said that earlier too, when did we become friends?" Seungkwan looks at Mingyu with a side eye, while Mingyu starts blushing all of a sudden.

"You said we were friends now...last night. You don't remember what you did?" Mingyu feels his cheeks heat up just thinking about it again.

"I said that? What did I do?" Seungkwan tilts his head and looks at Mingyu trying to remember. "I remember you asking to speak...oh and you apologized. And then I-" Seungkwan covers his mouth as his eyes widen. "Oh my god...I'm so sorry." Seungkwan runs away into the living room in embarrassment.

"Seungkwan!" Mingyu yells his name and laughs. He walks into the living room, where Seungkwan is sitting on the couch, hiding his face behind a pillow. "You don't have to be embarrassed."

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