#26 Truth

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"Tae University? I hope this is it." Mingyu looks up nervously. He's been standing outside of his car in front of a small university for almost an hour. This is so far, does he really ride the bus for over an hour here and back? I wish he would let me or someone pay to get him a new car since his last one died. Ugh....what if this is the wrong place, he should've been out by- "Kwan!"

Mingyu sees Seungkwan walking out of the building, so he runs towards him. "Kwan-ah!"

"Mingyu? What are you-"

"I came to pick you up."


Mingyu grabs Seungkwan's hand and brings him to his car. "Get in." He smiles and opens the door for Seungkwan, who gets in silently.

"Are you hungry?" Mingyu asks while he starts to drive off.


"Are you busy tonight?"

"Yes, I have to stop by the cafe then go to work."

"What?!" Mingyu turns to Seungkwan and puts on his seat belt since he hasn't put it on himself yet. "Why are you working already? You've only been back for a week."

"I've been working since my first day back."


Seungkwan seems annoyed by the question and lays his head on the car window. "What do you mean why? How else am I supposed to pay rent and tuition?"

"But...Cheol said he'd pay your tuition-"

"Can we not talk about this right now? Why are you even here? Did someone ask you to pick me up?"

Mingyu just stares at him. This is the most he's said to me since he got back...but he sounds so angry and done with me. "I just wanted to see you...I haven't been able to see you since the day you got back. I want to talk to you."

"Talk? About what?"

"Um...well...it's just that I think there might be a misunderstanding." Mingyu looks at him to see if he's listening, but he seems to be spaced out. He turns back to the road and stops quickly, as he almost hits the car in front of him.

"Ow-" Seungkwan hits his head on the car door and rubs it in pain.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but watch the road, we can talk later."

"O..okay." He doesn't want to talk at all... "I'll head to the cafe."

"Thank you. Also, please don't pick me up again, my new school is too far away for you to come."

"It's no bother, I like picking you up-"

"It's a bother to me."

"Oh..okay, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, Mingyu."


Mingyu arrives at the cafe after a forty-minute, dead-silent drive. He looks over and realizes Seungkwan is sleeping. Are you pushing me away because I didn't come...or is there another reason? Did Cheol tell him I like him...and now he's uncomfortable around me? He reaches his hand out but then stops because he knows Seungkwan will probably be uncomfortable.

"Kwan-ah...we're here." He taps him lightly on the shoulder and he wakes up quickly.

"Hmm? I was sleeping? Sorry." He gets out of the car and waits for Mingyu to come out too.

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